Trump has failed at almost everything

Trump has failed at almost all of his major campaign promises, from repealing Obamacare to boosting GDP growth to 4% to rebuilding our infrastructure to reducing the budget deficit to building a wall to bringing manufacturing jobs back to America.  Even his tax cut for average Americans is being offset by higher taxes on imported goods.  He did put a couple people on the Supreme Court.

But there were only two issues that really mattered to Trump, trade and immigration. Let’s compare his record to that of Obama on those two issues. Here’s the trade deficit:

The trade deficit has become “worse”under Trump, as I predicted.

Here’s deportations of illegal immigrants:

Trump’s performance is worse than Obama’s first term and roughly the same as the last half of his second term.  I did not predict this.

How about stopping new illegals from entering the country?

Again, Trump’s record is worse than Obama’s, particularly over the past 6 months (red line).  Some might argue that this is the wrong metric, but it’s the statistic chosen by the Trump people in 2017, when it seemed to be showing some success in slowing illegal migration.

Thus Trump has failed at almost everything.  In the three key issues that are most important to Trumpism—trade deficits, removing illegals, and stopping new illegals from entering—he’s failed spectacularly.  It’s not just that’s he’s failed to improve these situations, as he promised, he’s made them much worse.

So why is Trump widely seen as having succeeded?  Partly because he repeatedly says he’s succeeded.  From almost day one, Trump has insisted that America is great again and that the economy is doing wonderfully.  He started saying this just weeks after describing he economy as a disaster, in his inaugural address.  Some people believe him.  (BTW, if this is true then I guess trade deficits don’t matter.)

Second, because the US economy is in the expansion phase of the business cycle, which is a phenomenon over which Presidents have little control.  If you don’t believe me, think about the three recessions that began under the two Bush administrations and the zero recessions that began under the Clinton and Obama administrations.  Does anyone seriously believe that’s because Democratic policies are more effective at preventing recessions than Republican policies?  And if you do believe that weird hypothesis, then you ought to welcome my claim that Trump has played no role in the fact that the last 25% of this long expansion happened to occur during his administration—because you’re obviously a Democrat.

Nonetheless, the voters will give Trump credit for the strong economy, and might well re-elect him.  His supporters do not care about all of the policy failures. Heck, they may not even know about them.  He talks a good game.  He “owns the libs”.  And that’s all that matters.



34 Responses to “Trump has failed at almost everything”

  1. Gravatar of George George
    5. August 2019 at 10:32

    Blog author’s post is fake news.

    It omits the plethora of Trump accomplishments, promises made promises kept:

  2. Gravatar of George George
    5. August 2019 at 10:38

    And just like that, the Antifa socialist supporter of Warren who shot those people in Dayton, is memory holed and we’re back to orange man bad.

  3. Gravatar of Derrick Derrick
    5. August 2019 at 10:58

    George – I see you’ve drank all the Koolaid. I don’t know where you’ve got your information about the shooter being antifa or socialist or a Warren supporter, but you have to willfully disregard tons and tons of evidence to not believe there is a problem with white supremacy in this country.

  4. Gravatar of Christian List Christian List
    5. August 2019 at 11:06

    50 bucks that “George” is that crazy spam guy using another alias. If Scott blocks him (finally???), please don’t unlock another alias.

  5. Gravatar of Christian List Christian List
    5. August 2019 at 11:20

    I argue that the exact metrics don’t matter at all as long as Trump’s opponents are so extreme, in the area of migration for instance. For example by basically demanding open borders.

    As long as that happens, immigration is an absolute winning issue for Trump. The more people talk about it, the better for him. The numbers don’t matter at all.

    The same applies to identity politics. The same applies to the trade deficit. For Trump, the trade deficit is just a framing technique for the economy, so as long as the economy is booming, the voters are indifferent to the exact metrics of the trade deficit. Who cares? Nobody does.

    Trump loses on all other domestic topics imo, but you can’t beat him on these issues. At least not in the way Scott and the Democrats are trying. The more they talk about racism, immigration, borders, trade deficits, identity politics, etc., the better for Trump.

  6. Gravatar of Derrick Derrick
    5. August 2019 at 11:48

    Christian – I agree with you that Trump’s policy on the border is popular among his constituents, but it unfortunately doesn’t solve any real problems, let alone for the long term.

    I don’t subscribe to a lot that the democratic party does, but I don’t see any viable solution that is good for the country on the Republican side. My wife is an immigration attorney. Many people ask her, “why don’t Mexicans just get in line if they want to get into this country?”. Her answer is always the same – “there is no line to get into”. In other words, there is a great need to have low-skilled, low-paid workers in the U.S., which natives are not able to supply. We have a bunch of people happy to take those jobs. I am not however in support of open borders, and think we need to identify everyone living in the country and tax them appropriately for services they are using.

    If suddenly a bunch of Norwiegans began sneaking over the northern border to come and clean our offices and tar our roofs(god help their pale burning skin), we would not see the outcry we have seen.

  7. Gravatar of P Burgos P Burgos
    5. August 2019 at 13:55

    I think the mainstream media is a bit to blame. They hate Trump so much, and dislike his stated preferences on trade and immigration, that they spend all their energy denouncing Trump’s stated goals, as opposed to reporting on the facts relevant to his policy goals. TDS sells more ads (same with ODS, BDS, and CDS).

  8. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    5. August 2019 at 15:13

    No Christian, YOU are that crazy spam guy. Look in the mirror.

    And did you even read my post? If so, why leave comments that suggest you did not?

  9. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    5. August 2019 at 16:08

    So why is Trump widely seen as having succeeded?

    Very simple. Very rarely does the MSM attack the President for being too similar to the mainstream in his actions. Nobody believes Trump. They believe the MSM. The MSM castigates Trump for worrying too much about trade and immigration.

  10. Gravatar of Christian List Christian List
    5. August 2019 at 17:57


    We have a bunch of people happy to take those jobs. I am not however in support of open borders, and think we need to identify everyone living in the country and tax them appropriately for services they are using.

    I think there’ll always be enough people coming in. I also think that illegal immigration is still the best immigration at the southern border. The host country benefits most from illegal immigration, especially if the immigrants are as unqualified as at the southern border.

    but I don’t see any viable solution that is good for the country

    Good point, but firstly, elections are not about what is best for a country. (It’s all about what the voters want.) And second, it’s very hard to determine what’s best for a country, we aren’t psychics. I think that’s one reason why there are elections in the first place.


    You are just really weird.

    The crazy spam guy gets a free pass from you, the Russian anti-Semite Nazi gets a free pass from you, but I’m constantly being pressed by you. I assume it’s because I sometimes say something against your totalitarian China, the country and regime that you seem to like so much.

    Trump would say: Why don’t you just move over there? Then you could make a single blog post about Xi in China that is only 10% as critical as your blog posts about Trump. Then let’s see what happens. Maybe you’ll see the “little differences” between those regimes and countries then.

    But you’re so blind, that even then you won’t be able to see. You are not better than Brecht and Sartre, and all the other intellectuals who supported the USSR back then. Maybe even worse, because for these people it was at least kind of new. But now we have 2019, so you really should know better.

  11. Gravatar of George George
    6. August 2019 at 08:08

    Derrick, YOU are drinking the koolaid, and projecting it onto me.

    You will never know the facts if all you do is read MSM.

    Social media citizen journalists are uncovering the facts about the shooter.

    And posting PROOF.

    They are posting archives of the shooter’s social media accounts WHERE HE WROTE pro-socialist, pro-Antifa, pro-Warren, anti-conservative writings!

  12. Gravatar of George George
    6. August 2019 at 08:09

    Here’s a journalist who was attacked by Antifa thugs:


  13. Gravatar of George George
    6. August 2019 at 08:10

  14. Gravatar of George George
    6. August 2019 at 08:11

    MSM given ‘talking points’…before the shooting happened?

    Controlled narrative to shift attention away from the Democrat’s treason!

  15. Gravatar of George George
    6. August 2019 at 08:11

  16. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    6. August 2019 at 08:37

    Christian, You said:

    “I assume it’s because I sometimes say something against your totalitarian China, the country and regime that you seem to like so much.”

    And you complain that I think you’re an idiot. If you would stop saying idiotic things like this then I might treat you with respect.

  17. Gravatar of George George
    6. August 2019 at 09:33

    Christian must be over the target.

    Blog author is silent on Hong Kong protests against tyrannical China mainland regime.

    The left is DESTROYING America

  18. Gravatar of msgkings msgkings
    6. August 2019 at 10:28


    Exact fit.

  19. Gravatar of Tom Brown Tom Brown
    6. August 2019 at 11:49

    Derrick, I think there is evidence the Dayton shooter was a leftist. CNN reported it, and just ask George, CNN is definitely NOT fake news. Lol

    However, AFAIK there’s still no evidence about what his motives actually were. We do know that he shot his sister and her male companion that evening (killing his sister in the process). Was that part of the motivation? He didn’t leave a manifesto. He’s dead now. Last I checked it’s still a mystery.

    The El Paso shooter did apparently leave a manifesto explaining his motivation. In that case it appears he’s a racist. He’s also alive and answering questions. Last I heard, the manifesto was not proven to be a hoax.

    So to sum up: the El Paso shooter is a racist and is freely answering questions, presumably including about what his motivation was. It’s probably safe to assume the motivation was racism. The Dayton shooter is a leftist, however we don’t know yet if that factored into his motivation.

    Even some right winger Trumpists like Marc Giller acknowledge these basic facts (but still go onto claim they’re being victimized by “the media”).

  20. Gravatar of Bob OBrien Bob OBrien
    6. August 2019 at 14:47

    “…Nonetheless, the voters will give Trump credit for the strong economy, and might well re-elect him. His supporters do not care about all of the policy failures. Heck, they may not even know about them….”

    I am a Trump supporter and I think I am not unlike many other Trump supporters. I give Trump credit for the tax cut and the judicial appointments. To me the judicial appointments carry the most weight. I blame the Dems for the immigration issues even though Trump has not helped much. On trade, I don’t understand it very well and suspect Trump is not helping. Given his record to date I think we are still way better off with Trump than if HRC was president and we are certainly better off with Trump than we would be with the Dems now trying to unseat him. Until a better candidate comes along I am sticking with Trump.

  21. Gravatar of George George
    6. August 2019 at 16:10

    “So to sum up: the El Paso shooter is a racist and is freely answering questions, presumably including about what his motivation was. It’s probably safe to assume the motivation was racism. The Dayton shooter is a leftist, however we don’t know yet if that factored into his motivation.”

    Tom Brown gets the gold medal for these mental gymnastics apologizing for left wing terrorism.

    Now do these:

    “Motives unclear” when it’s a leftist nutjob.

  22. Gravatar of msgkings msgkings
    6. August 2019 at 16:45

    @Bob OBrien:

    And Republican president (Rubio, Bush, etc.) would have appointed those same guys. And they would have signed the same tax cut.

    What’s awful about Trump is not that he’s Republican, it’s that he’s an awful person and making this country more awful by his rhetoric and manner. It matters.

    So sure, you preferred him to HRC. I don’t agree but I can see the argument. Now that she’s all gone, why don’t you withdraw your support for him, call him out, hope for a primary challenge? You don’t have to vote Dem to oppose that asshole.

  23. Gravatar of George George
    6. August 2019 at 17:36


    “What’s awful about Trump is not that he’s Republican, it’s that he’s an awful person and making this country more awful by his rhetoric and manner. It matters.”

    Excellent summary of what fake news has been telling its sheep to suddenly be outraged about.


    What rhetoric?

    The one when he implored UNITY and not racism?

    Or the one where fake news was pushed by DIVISIVE blue checkmark twatters to change a headline from united to divided?


    Trump’s ‘rhetoric’ is UNITING the country, to look beyond race, to MERIT.

    You racists are constantly accusing others of what you yourselves are.

  24. Gravatar of msgkings msgkings
    7. August 2019 at 08:14


    You know what? Thank you! You make some excellent points, and after thinking over what you said, I am now a fervent Trump supporter. I only wish you had helped me out sooner!

  25. Gravatar of George George
    7. August 2019 at 08:41

    msgkings: Would it be too much to ask to understand I am only encouraging you to think for yourself and to not believe unsourced claims as true even if the story makes you feel good because it sanctions whatever you may want to believe?

    I stopped believing “according to people familiar with the matter” after doing what I never did before, basic fact checks on MSM stories. I found so many false stories against Republicans and so many omissions of bad news for Democrats, that I am now convinced the MSM is nothing but the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, meant to keep us divided and hating each other based on one tribe or another (blog author joining in on racist narrative), instead of on the Deep State’s treasonous crimes.

    MSM is a weapon being used against us. Anyone who has taken the time to research this already knows.

    You and I are the news now, not CNN or MSNBC or ABC.


    POTUS tweet SLAMS Federal Reserve as incompetent.

    When I read this tweet, I see an almost perfect correlation with what the blog author wrote in a recent post.

    But orange man still bad! How do I know? MSM has been in meltdown mode trying to trick the sheep into believing Trump is a white supremacist, after the Mueller hearings were a total disaster for the Democrats.

    It’s all about the INFORMATION.

    Once you learn that information, knowledge, is power, then you will learn that if you don’t have the information, you are ruled by those who weaponize information to control not only you but entire populations.

    North Koreans are ruled primarily by controlled information. Death threats are secondary.

    MSM controls what westerners see and believe as true.

    Antifa is the paramilitary arm of the Democrat Party. The flag they have been taught to use, the red and black flag design, is straight out of the communist party of Germany in the 1930s. Their purpose is to prevent large mass gatherings of people who come together for “off the approved narrative” track. They attack free speech (fascism). They use intimidation tactics (fascism). They are projecting their own fascism to prevent what is happening with the yellow jackets in France, from happening here.

    Yellow jackets in France? MSM TOTAL BLACKOUT. BLOG AUTHOR SILENT.

    Who is controlled again? Not me.

  26. Gravatar of George George
    7. August 2019 at 08:52

    Trumps about to execute a white supremacist, while trying to free a black rapper from jail (A$AP Rocky), as he pushes prison reform that directly benefits families of black men, while calling out a city where minorities are victims of crime & blight (Baltimore).

    If Trumps a racist, he sucks at it.

    Or, the MSM is gaslighting their leftist sheep followers because their plot to frame him as a colluder with Russia was exposed as a 3 YEAR MSM HOAX.

    There is no reason to trust the MSM.


  27. Gravatar of George George
    7. August 2019 at 08:55

    Am I the only one here who sees communism as the biggest threat?

    There isn’t even a single fascist country in the world, but there are at least 4 communist countries, including North Korea.

    The biggest threat in the world today is leftist ideology and leftist violence, regardless of what the asleep blog author parrots from Operation Mockingbird media.

  28. Gravatar of msgkings msgkings
    7. August 2019 at 09:04


    I forgot to thank you for calling me a racist. I didn’t know I was until you helped me understand! And yes, I also appreciate you opening my eyes to how every major news organization in the world lies every time they report anything at all.

  29. Gravatar of George George
    7. August 2019 at 09:10

    Just a reminder that Democrats officials have been inciting violence since Trump won the presidency:

    Maxine Waters called on her supporters to harass Trump officials.

    Eric Holder told an audience “when they go low, we kick them”.

    Loretta Lynch called for blood and death on the streets.

    Oh but orange man wants immigration based on merit, that racist liberals who believe Hispanics are too stupid to meet such a requirement, PROJECT THEIR OWN RACISM onto Trump and call him a racist for wanting that.

    See the pattern?

    This is how the left operates. Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. Accuse your opponents of what you yourself do and think.

    ‘TheSquad’ are racist against Jews, their statements are on record, yet they’re so loud in accusing Trump of racism WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE.

  30. Gravatar of George George
    7. August 2019 at 09:18


    I only want you to think for yourself.

    No, I am not asking to take the MSM’s responsibility for another one of their unthinking sheep where you just believe me instead but with the same unthinking approach.

    It’s creepy and weird.

    I thought the game you were playing was accusing others of racism without needing to provide any evidence. So, I gave you a taste of your own medicine. Not OK for me to do that?

    But, I don’t recall ever saying EVERYTHING the MSM reports is false. That would be silly. It was always spoiling the well…selective lies that are nevertheless based on a documented pattern.

    Whenever you see unsourced claims, about Trump or his supporters, “people familiar with the thinking of…”, etc, chances are it’s made up to divide the country.

  31. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    7. August 2019 at 12:19

    Bob, You said:

    “I blame the Dems for the immigration issues”

    Really. You blame the Dems even though the GOP controlled Congress for the first two years of the Trump administration? Even though Trump can build the wall without approval from Congress? Aren’t you being a bit generous?

  32. Gravatar of George George
    7. August 2019 at 12:45

    Of course it is the Democrat’s fault we have immigration issues.


    Catch and release

    Court dates many immigrants never show up to.

    Blocking border security funding for a long time until not even their own base could tolerate the conditions there.

    Someone isn’t paying attention to real news.

  33. Gravatar of Bob OBrien Bob OBrien
    7. August 2019 at 13:11

    “…Really. You blame the Dems even though the GOP controlled Congress for the first two years of the Trump administration? Even though Trump can build the wall without approval from Congress? Aren’t you being a bit generous?…”

    I think we need a new immigration law that gives a path to stay in the country for dreamers, increases legal immigration and closes the loophole that encourages people south of Mexico to cross our border and stay as long as they bring children. I think Trump would go for a deal here but I don’t think the Dems would go for it. The Dems like the issue too much as a way to make Trump look bad.

    “….why don’t you withdraw your support for him, call him out, hope for a primary challenge?..”

    If someone with a reasonable prospect shows up I might do this. Howard Shultz comes to mind.

  34. Gravatar of George George
    7. August 2019 at 16:16

    Twitter admins are going crazy.

    Suspending an account for showing a video of radical leftists threatening McConnell outside his home.

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