Why Trump will win, part 2
In an earlier post, I explained one reason why Trump will win. But the ineptness of the Biden campaign is so comical that I cannot help piling on a bit. Consider this tweet by Matt Yglesias:

CNN is generally a fairly left-of-center network, and yet even they report this news in a way that helps the Trump campaign. You don’t see Fox News spinning the news in a pro-Biden direction. (Fox reporters seem to think the economy is in the midst of another Great Depression.) If this is the coverage Biden can expect from the left, he’s got no chance.
Here’s another:

So a candidate who is campaigning on a viciously anti-Muslim platform, which includes a proposal to ban visitors from Muslim countries (and from Gaza), is about to be supported by America’s Muslim leadership.
Remember those TV commercials where an old person would say “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”? That’s what Biden reminds me of. It’s mind-boggling to see such an inept campaign from a leading political party. I’m old enough to recall when the Dems would nominate skilled politicians (Clinton, Obama, etc.)
When the public is in a fascist mood, all news helps the fascists. The GOP in Congress refuses to appropriate funds to control the border? That just shows that we need a GOP president, so they won’t be so obstructionist!
4. January 2024 at 16:44
Not sure this is Bidens fault. Dems run a barbell strategy approach of top 10% status seekers and poor. So you have various elites fighting for whose top dog and status – Harvards DEI people, there old Jewish support, Muslims. All of them can’t win at once and right now they are in conflict.
GOP doesn’t have these status games.
4. January 2024 at 17:42
Biden doesn’t control the media. Now maybe he should follow Trump’s example and complain incessantly about how the media is treating him unfairly. It seems like the media loves to write stories about the media, so he would likely be able to get his talking points out there just by picking fights.
5. January 2024 at 00:12
Sumner’s fascism has already arrived.
The Amish were selling raw vegetables to consumers yesterday, and the Biden administration — i.e., the sumner thugs — and their GMO gangsters raided the Amish farm for violating a new provision that requires farmers to use chemicals on their vegetables. It should be obvious that we live in a fascist state when you cannot sell raw vegetables without being raided by Sumner tyrants.
If you want big government, unusustainable debts, low growth, creepy digital ID’s, and the centralization of investment and industry through subsidies, economics zones and coercion — which is precisely what leads to fascism — then continue to vote for left wing apparatchiks and their financiers; those that demand that you choose between a job and a jab; those who have the audacity to think some businesses are more essential than others; those who believe that we ought to impose a one world view, or as Sumner likes to say: “a one-world-NATO” upon anyone who just happens to disagree with us; the old slogan of James Madison which was: “…Don’t go in search of Monsters to destroy..” has now been replaced with the Sumner war motto: “Kill all those who disagree..”
Do we really want four more years of people who mandate the elimination of gas stoves, beef, cow farts and who raid the Amish? Do we want four more years of DEI, CRT, and other racist dogma promulgated by todays reactionary left? Do we want four more years of open borders?
Do we want four more years of quotas over merit, high taxes, 80,000 IRS agents now employed by our tax dollars to hunt workers for minor infractions.
I think Americans are pretty fed up with the Sumner tyrants, and are happy to vote for anyone not part of the totalitarian establishment.
5. January 2024 at 02:19
Why are you so obtuse?
Christians and Muslims don’t get along, so why would you want so many people who support sharia law to permanently move here? What the hell is wrong with you? The common law and sharia law cannot coexist.
I find old Americans so irritating. I’m sorry, but if you think that CNN is still the ‘moderate left’, like we’re living in 1995, then you’ve completely lost your mind. There is no hope for you.
I’m just glad I have dual citizenship, so I can leave when the ship sinks. In other words, thank you for the U.S. passport and the high salary, but I’ll choose to retire in Cebu where I can go to church without being stabbed on the street.
Sara, you are invited. Scott, you are also cordially invited, but please don’t bring your stupid ideas to the Philippines. It’s all we ask.
5. January 2024 at 04:29
> but if you think that CNN is still the ‘moderate left’, like we’re living in 1995
You’re right, CNN is moderate right at this point.
5. January 2024 at 20:24
What a shocker. I thought Muslims would want CRT, DEI, and LGTBQ flags shoved down their throats?
I told you many years ago that this left wing, marxist ideology would not win over immigrants. You can flood Texas with hispanics and muslims, but it won’t win you the culture war. Our heritage is family-oriented, religious and anti-goverment, and muslims are similar in that regard.
And…hey…if you want to have sex with men, go right ahead. We don’t care. But keep your stupid rainbow flag on your property. If you want teach your children to hate white people based on skin color, then you can do that too. But please do that in your own house. We don’t want that in the public schools.
This presidential race is not about CNN, which has the lowest rating of any major news network. It’s also not about fox, which is on the decline. It’s about decentralized, independent journalism destroying the mainstream narratives.
For example, if CNN tells us there is nobody at the border, but then RFJ jr., Musk, or a passerby posts a video showing thousands of people. Then, obviously we know CNN is lying.
In 2020, they told us BLM was peaceful, but everyone with access to independent sources knew they were lying. Why? Because they couldn’t hide their lie from a passerby who had a phone, a camera, and a social media account.
They’ve been caught lying so often that nobody takes them seriously anymore.
Likewise, when the news takes Trump of context, their lie is immediately exposed by some good samaritan who has unedited video of the rally.
We are all leaving the bird-brain left, which screams racist, teaches hate, blames everyone else for their problems, and sends militant activists running down the street whenever they don’t get their way.
6. January 2024 at 18:40
“I thought Muslims would want CRT, DEI, and LGTBQ flags shoved down their throats?”
I remember Muslims voting massively for Bush in 2000. I wonder what happened afterwards. Well, turkeys have every right to vote for Christmas (or Ramadan).
Anyway, props for managing to pretend that, whatever Muslims might think about Democrats’ other policies, the campaign in question is “pro-family” and not anti-Israel. Such shamelessness is rare even for modern Republican standards, which is saying something.
7. January 2024 at 01:57
“For example, if CNN tells us there is nobody at the border, but then RFJ jr., Musk, or a passerby posts a video showing thousands of people. Then, obviously we know CNN is lying.”
Oh, God. RFJ Jr.
By the way, if anyone ever wondered what betrayal looks like, Rep. Troy Nehls provided the perfect specimen. He said about Republican opposition to a bipartisan agreement on the border, “Let me tell you, I’m not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating”. Let us all hope we are all wrong and there is not actually any crisis on the border because, if there is, Republicans would rather hurt America, then let government actually work.
— https://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=596335449&sxsrf=AM9HkKm0OnQAbbA_SrdmddFI2hPJe9m0PQ:1704620833029&q=Troy+Nehls&tbm=nws&source=lnms&prmd=invsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiHxeq5_8qDAxUwrJUCHWdQBQAQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=800&bih=1280&dpr=1.5
7. January 2024 at 08:37
These are Trump’s highs Scott. Orange Man is having a pretty disastrous weekend. Jack Smith’s got the goods.
To think we could’ve had the Compromise of 1865
8. January 2024 at 06:45
“CNN is generally a fairly left-of-center network”
I can’t tell if this is a serious comment or a joke.
“The GOP in Congress refuses to appropriate funds to control the border? That just shows that we need a GOP president, so they won’t be so obstructionist!”
Funds would not be used to “control the border”, funds would be directed at special interests + perpetuating the current system (hiring additional judges, immigration personnel, asylum officers, migrant housing) . The GOP is hoping to change catch + release / asylum laws so that the incentive structure changes. Writing a massive check that essentially endorses all of the illegal immigration that has occurred, and then makes it EASIER to do so, does nothing but make the issue worse. Aside from that, this is literally how basically every single appropriations bill negotiation process works, both the GOP + the Democratic party play the same game.
“So a candidate who is campaigning on a viciously anti-Muslim platform, which includes a proposal to ban visitors from Muslim countries (and from Gaza), is about to be supported by America’s Muslim leadership.”
I literally pointed to this issue when the terrorist attack on Oct 7 occurred and said that it would be the wedge in the democratic party that would lead to a Trump win. You responded “I don’t think voters care about the Middle East. Why would they? Oil? We don’t get oil from Israel or Gaza.” I think you missed the point. I agree democrat voters don’t care about the Middle East, they care about the DEI hierarchy, and this issue will cause massive infighting.
9. January 2024 at 11:22
Cove77, You said:
“Jack Smith’s got the goods.”
Obviously he’s guilty as hell, but this isn’t Denmark. Presidents are above the law in America.
13. January 2024 at 10:40
Agreed entirely with everything you said here. The impotence of the Biden campaign has been dispiriting to watch. Did you know that the US produces more oil today than we ever have in our history? If only there was some kind of communications department that would benefit from telling Americans that.
I do think you underrate the extent to which the median American voter (and even the median Michigan or Wisconsin voter) doesn’t understand or hasn’t internalized that Donald Trump is the GOP nominee for 2024. There’s a story in CNN today to that effect. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/12/politics/trump-biden-2024-campaign/index.html
Also worth agreeing with both Cove and you that Smith has him, and that America’s legal system isn’t set up well for a situation like this. However comma, it seems likely that Trump will go to trial in DC pre election-day and get convicted of at least 2 federal felonies. And no matter how clear this could be in advance of it happening, low information swing voters won’t believe it until they see a headline with the words “Trump convicted.”