The CCP has taken over the GOP

The deep state is hiding evidence that the Chinese government tried to subvert our election:

President Donald Trump’s spy chief won’t meet Friday’s deadline to submit a classified report to Congress on foreign efforts to sway the Nov. 3 election, officials said, because of arguments within the intelligence community over whether China should be cited more prominently for its attempts to influence American voters.

Ratcliffe and other Trump appointees — including National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Attorney General William Barr — suggested over the summer that China posed a bigger election threat than Russia even though intelligence assessments at the time didn’t support that assertion.

It’s good that proud Americans like Ratcliff are willing to seek out the truth, which is being hidden by Chinese operatives within the CIA.

Meanwhile Trump has exposed the CCP takeover of Georgia’s Republican government:

But the conspiracy goes deeper, much deeper. There is evidence that Senator Majority leader Mitch McConnell is a Chinese mole:

I was intrigued by the reference to McConnell’s wife. Why does his wife know so much about Chinese infiltration of the highest levels of the US government? And then I recalled who he had married:

When are you people going to wake up to what’s going on here?



22 Responses to “The CCP has taken over the GOP”

  1. Gravatar of David S David S
    18. December 2020 at 03:02

    All available evidence points to you, Scott Sumner, being an agent of the CCP as well. Your lifelong quest to brainwash readers of this blog into embracing radical theories of currency debasement and your unrelenting attacks on the glorious Trump and his patriotic family is clear evidence. You also live in California–which is closer to China than Kentucky, which make you even more dangerous than Mitch McConnell.

    Sydney Powell will be coming for you soon, mark my words.

  2. Gravatar of Skeptical Skeptical
    18. December 2020 at 04:05

    Poe’s Law with the first comment. What a year.

  3. Gravatar of xu xu
    18. December 2020 at 05:53

    It’s Sidney Powell, not Sydney Powell.

    Lin Wood is an American legend and American patriot. Like Jimmy Lai, he speaks the truth.

    But the title is misleading, as is the entire pathetic career of one Scott “CCP” Sumner who has zero noteworthy publications. Sumner spent much of his life alone, at a tiny little school, with zero friends. As such, he suffers from what we like to call “little dick beta boy syndrome”.

    Civil War is imminent folks. A lot will happen in the next few weeks. But every lie will be revealed!

    “It does not require the majority to prevail…but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men” – John Adams!

    Keep fighting patriots.

  4. Gravatar of bob bob
    18. December 2020 at 05:56

    Sumner supports BLM and ANTIFA Marxists.
    His wife works for the CCP.
    It’s likely he is also on their payroll.

  5. Gravatar of sarah sarah
    18. December 2020 at 06:23

    Lin Wood is a admirable man. Principled, tough, fair, and always in pursuit of truth.

    I hope Donald Trump takes his advice, and invokes insurrection act.

    Biden and his cronies cannot be allowed into the White House after this rigged election.

    No party in American history has ever sought to change election laws one month before an election, refused to match signatures after the election, called for “gulag lists”, “defunding police”, “packing courts”, and the shut down of our economy.

    The left is totalitarian. And true American Patriots – led by DJT – cannot let this party destroy American lives.

  6. Gravatar of henry henry
    18. December 2020 at 06:30

    They’ve already been caught.

    Allied Security Operations conducted an audit of one Michigan machine and the results were conclusive.

    The remarkable thing about that report is that dominion actually had the audacity – or their stooges working at elections HQ – to remove the logs. Nothing in this world screams guilty more than manually removing the logs before an inspection.

    This is like removing finger prints from a crime scene before the police arrive.

    Officer: So how come this house has no fingerprints. Do you live here?

    Sumner: I don’t know sir. I guess I don’t have any fingerprints?

    Could these libtards be more comical? WE KNOW YOU CHEATED! lol.

  7. Gravatar of henry henry
    18. December 2020 at 08:38

    We can confirm that Sumner has Chinese interests.

    When we noticed that he writes propaganda articles almost daily

    we decided to dig around. Turns out that Sumner has real estate assets in China. He also owns stock in Chinese companies.

    Is anyone surprised? We weren’t.

    Scott wants all of us to live under a totalitarian regime, and copy the “CCP” model. He uses “GDP” as justification for ripping up the social contract, and also uses that to justify the Uighur extermination camps.

  8. Gravatar of henry henry
    18. December 2020 at 08:38

    We can confirm that Sumner has Chinese interests.

    When we noticed that he writes propaganda articles almost daily

    we decided to dig around. Turns out that Sumner has real estate assets in China. He also owns stock in Chinese companies.

    Is anyone surprised? We weren’t.

    Scott wants all of us to live under a totalitarian regime, and copy the “CCP” model. He uses “GDP” as justification for ripping up the social contract, and also uses that to justify the Uighur extermination camps.

  9. Gravatar of Anonymous Anonymous
    18. December 2020 at 09:41

    bob supports BLM and ANTIFA Marxists.
    His wife works for the CCP.
    It’s likely he is also on their payroll.

    henry supports BLM and ANTIFA Marxists.
    His wife works for the CCP.
    It’s likely he is also on their payroll.

  10. Gravatar of Tom Brown Tom Brown
    18. December 2020 at 11:01

    Scott, you’ve always fully insane people in your comments section, but never one who persisted like this with stupid sock puppets.

    xu / bob / sarah / henry: get help. You’re not fooling anyone. You’re just mentally ill.

  11. Gravatar of Christian List Christian List
    18. December 2020 at 13:50

    xu / bob / sarah / henry is one single bot programmed in reverse psychology to make the CCP look better than it is.

  12. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    18. December 2020 at 14:31

    People say all these Trumpistas are one person, so why is Xu correcting David?

  13. Gravatar of Anonymous Anonymous
    18. December 2020 at 14:34

    Just going to point out that the Anonymous above is not me.

  14. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    18. December 2020 at 18:32

    Anonymous, It seems like there are a lot of people named “anonymous” in the blogosphere. Why not choose a more specific name, like Anonymous35?

  15. Gravatar of anon/portly anon/portly
    19. December 2020 at 11:13

    In case anyone missed it, *Peter Navarro* has weighed in with a report on election irregularities, fraud, etc. The perfect ending to four years of Peter Navarro brilliance. Now we know that everything Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are claiming is true!

  16. Gravatar of anon/flatulent anon/flatulent
    19. December 2020 at 11:30

    “Why not choose a more specific name, like Anonymous35?”

    Obviously, what everyone should do is pick a “clever” anonymous name, using the framework “Anon/X.”

    I almost went with “obsequious” before settling on “portly.” These were the two funniest ones I could think of, which might make someone wonder, understandably, what right or allowance *I* have to mock anyone else, even Peter Navarro. Or for that matter even Ron Vara, or Ron Raav, or whoever that other fellow is, or was.

  17. Gravatar of anon/fumblerooski anon/fumblerooski
    19. December 2020 at 11:39

    Speaking of the end of 2020, clearly the most underrated story right now is that as Peter Navarro leaves DC, Christopher Waller comes in.

    Instead of Shelton Gold, we get Cougar Gold! Honestly, this should raise everyone’s forecast of the long-term economic outlook *very* considerably.

  18. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    19. December 2020 at 17:05

    Anon, Who’s going to win the NBA title this year?

  19. Gravatar of David O’Rear David O'Rear
    20. December 2020 at 10:18

    Secretary Chao a Chinese agent … from Taiwan?

  20. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    20. December 2020 at 10:53

    David, You never know. 🙂

  21. Gravatar of anon/206 tattoos IN DA HOUSE anon/206 tattoos IN DA HOUSE
    21. December 2020 at 21:14

    ” Who’s going to win the NBA title this year?”

    Well, the obvious answer to this question would be Milwaukee.

    (Looking at the standard predictive metric, last year’s point differential).

    If nothing else, you’d think at least one of (Milwaukee, Toronto, Boston, Miami) is going to be very, very good. There’s a reasonable chance the “true” NBA finals will be the EC finals this year (as it far more often has been the WC finals).

    I predicted last year that none of the “two superstar team-up” teams (LAL, LAC, NJ, H) would ever win an NBA title, so my predictive record of late is about as good as ever.

  22. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    21. December 2020 at 22:57

    anon, This might be the year the East surpasses the West, as the Nets and Sixers will also be good. I always expect Toronto to drop off, but it never happens.

    But it’s hard to beat a team with 2 of the top 5 players in the league.

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