Which is which?
Here are some very recent pronouncements from the Fed and the BOJ. See if you can figure out which is which:
“It is a critical challenge for XXX’s economy to overcome deflation and return to a sustainable growth path with price stability,” the XXX said in a statement after a regular two-day policy meeting.
. . .
The XXX said it “does not tolerate” a situation in which the country’s main price index remains flat or decreases on a yearly basis.
The public’s understanding of the XXX’s commitment to price stability helps to anchor inflation expectations and enhances the effectiveness of monetary policy, thereby contributing to stability in both prices and economic activity.
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The XXX has not followed the suggestion of some that it pursue a monetary policy strategy aimed at pushing up longer-run inflation expectations.
Hmmm. The first part of each quotation mentions stable prices. That sounds more like the BOJ, which favors zero inflation, rather than the Fed, which hints that it would like something closer to 2% inflation. On the other hand the second part of central bank A’s quotation implies they actually do want something more like slightly positive inflation, not stable prices. So maybe A is the Fed.
The second part of central bank B’s quotation mentions that people have been pressing them to set a higher inflation target. Of course we all know that many American economists (including Krugman and Bernanke) continually pressed the BOJ to adopt a higher inflation target as a way of getting out of its liquidity trap. So I am going to guess that central bank A is the Fed, and central bank B is the BOJ.
Oops. I just checked and it appears I got the two central banks mixed up. Well you can’t really blame me; these days it is becoming increasing difficult to distinguish between the Fed and the BOJ.