Research associate bleg
A friend of the family is finishing up her BA in economics (at a top three econ department.) She’s looking for a research assistant position. Her area is applied micro (especially the economics of law and crime, the economics of education, and experimental econ.) I would greatly appreciate any information that might be useful to her. If it’s a specific position, then send me an email at Bentley. If it’s general advice, please leave it in the comment section.
10. February 2013 at 21:42
I think the Brookings Institute and the Urban Institute, both in DC, would be good places to look at.
11. February 2013 at 06:30
UCSB has a great experimental econ group. You also benefit from an obscenely favorable climate, and grad students get subsidized housing very close to campus (everyone lives close to campus, but the subsidized housing is new construction rather than that ’70s slum’ style).
11. February 2013 at 08:01
Does she speak Spanish;
‘Arturo Fernández, the number two at the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), systematically paid his workers overtime hours at his catering business in black-market money, radio station SER reported on Monday, quoting employees of his Grupo Arturo Cantoblanco company.
‘SER said workers received white envelopes with their names on them and containing between 100 and 700 euros, up to half of their salary. The practice could constitute a form of defrauding both the tax agency and the Social Security system.’
11. February 2013 at 10:40
On behalf of soon-to-be-graduated top-3 econ students everywhere, I’d advise her to take a number and get in line. 🙁
11. February 2013 at 13:14
Thanks everyone . . . looks like a lonely job market out there.
11. February 2013 at 13:32
Some of the Federal Reserve Banks are still recruiting, though I believe NY and (maybe) Chicago are done. Most, if not all of the regional Feds have Micro/Labor/Regional divisions. NBER has research assistant job postings–however, sometimes they’re not very current.
12. February 2013 at 07:13
sasha, I hope you’ve told other students at your top-3 college about this blog!
12. February 2013 at 09:40
“the economics of law and crime, the economics of education, and experimental econ”
Shame on existing and recently passed American PhD economists for not influencing politics enough to make the economy more favorable to up and coming “I want to control other people’s lives” econ grad types.
They have had around 100 years to convince the anti-government hicks in the hills otherwise, and the best we got so far are extra-judicial executive assassinations, a 100 mile wide perimeter engulfing the country that is a warrantless search and seizure zone, and only a $9 trillion cumulative total of crony capitalist bailouts from the central bank.
They’ve got to do much better than this. We can still breath without permission.
We need way more blogs, books, and journals devoted to central manager advisory. It’s all about the jerbs jerbs jerbs!