Recent Comments
Because of the mention on, I am suddenly getting a lot of comments. Unfortunately I currently have to approve new comments before they are posted. (I am not very tech savvy.) I plan to ask the tech people here about a better mechanism to block spam, but meanwhile please be patient. For now, I will approve new comments every few hours. I plan to respond to today’s comments this evening.
Update: I am told that only the first post from an address needs my approval. Let me know if anyone has trouble getting their second or third comments in without approval. The tech people are also working on installing anti-span programs, and I hope to have further improvements soon.
Second update: I have just begun the reply process. Please be patient. You will see that I did give full replies to the very few visitors that I had before today. That will be my long term goal–but today’s replies will have to be a bit briefer.
25. February 2009 at 09:55
Your best bet is probably to allow comments, perhaps with a limit on the amount of hyperlinks allowed before they are reserved for approval. Then I would recommend you install the Akismet spam filter plugin for wordpress. In my experience, Akismet works brilliantly.
25. February 2009 at 15:01
You’ll get Belgian & French visists too.
Just posted a review of your site here, with a complete translation of your most representative excrept :
Thank you so much Scott for being a readable monetarist.
25. February 2009 at 16:45
I did install Akismet this afternoon. Thanks for the idea. I hope the comment approval process isn’t too burdensome–it only applies to new visitors. Repeat visitors should get right through.
My French is very weak, I am going to try to get a colleague to help me translate, but it may take a few days.
26. February 2009 at 16:59
Michelange, I forgot to thank you for translating my post. That was very kind of you. It is probably the first time that anything I wrote has been translated into another language.
27. February 2009 at 01:32
Scott, it was really the worth. My article says you are a defensor of monetary policy who dares being honest in his arguments and uses ad absurdum with brio.
Personally, I don’t know if I’m still an Austrian would-be (economy is new to me, and I can’t do the math).
And, consequently, my usual readers did trhow a few classical and less classical arguments in their comments to my post.
I’m afraid my competences are not at the requested height.
The main arguments are :
– How do you stimulate the GDP in a productivity downturn in a strictly monetary fashion?
– Figures about money expansion before and after 1929 are contested, woul you know of a significant article with straightforward presentation of data ?(as we are not economists)
Kind Regards,
28. February 2009 at 10:48
Michelange, There is not much that monetary policy can do in a productivity slowdown. But I would add that although we do probably have a mild productivity slowdown, it is being made much worse by a fall in AD. And monetary policy can definitely address aggregate demand.
I always assumed that the money data in Friedman and Schwartz’s book was pretty accurate, as Anna Schwartz is a very careful scholar. But maybe somebody has newer data.
28. February 2009 at 15:31
While you are working with the tech people, can you ask them to make your RSS feed include full entries. Many of us read your blog through software like google reader, and it is much nicer for us if we can see the whole post rather than just a stub.
5. March 2009 at 12:11
John, I’ll check later with the tech people, for now I’ll leave recent posts in long form for a day or two.
15. March 2009 at 23:50
I found your blog while surfing around and your post regarding I feel happy! I feel happy! looks very interesting for me
2. September 2009 at 09:24
Can we post comments at present ?
8. September 2009 at 09:24
What do you think is the best way to counter the productivity slow down?