I read the news today, oh boy
You need a sense of humor to read the news today:
Long a voracious consumer of cable news, Trump has cut back how much he watches CNN and MSNBC in recent weeks, having sworn off the latter network’s “Morning Joe” after criticism from its hosts, according to a senior White House aide privy to the president’s viewing habits.
Instead, the president now spends hours some mornings watching Fox News, switching occasionally to CNBC for business headlines, along with a daily diet of newspapers and press clippings, said the official, who asked not to be identified discussing private information. On the evenings when he doesn’t have a dinner or briefing, Trump will spend most of his TV-viewing time watching Fox News shows hosted by Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity, the aide said.
I always wondered what kind of person watches Sean Hannity. Now I know. (What would Scott Adams say?)
On Wednesday night, The Washington Post was the first to report on a private meeting between Sessions and Russian ambassador to the US. Sergey Kislyak, which took place in the senator’s office last September. The discussions could fuel new congressional calls for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 presidential election and the suspected hacking campaign, according to the Post.
All of the sudden, the news media isn’t talking about Trump’s speech anymore, as it seems the Attorney General lied under oath when asked about contact with Russian officials.
This one probably pre-dates Trump:
Americans should be forced to apply for visas to travel to Europe, the European Parliament has said, in response to Washington refusing to allow all Europeans to travel to the States visa-free.
The WSJ:
WASHINGTON—Republicans blocked a Democratic attempt to obtain President Donald Trump ’s tax returns late Monday.
In a 229-185 procedural vote, the House of Representatives stopped a resolution from Rep. Bill Pascrell (D., N.J.) that would have requested the president’s tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service.
All Democrats voted with Mr. Pascrell. All Republicans voted against him, except for Reps. Walter Jones (R., N.C.) and Mark Sanford (R., S.C.), who voted present.
Undoubtedly the vote would have been identical with a Democratic president, as all our Congressmen and women are principled solons. And the response of my loyal commenters will be completely uncorrelated with their political affiliation. “This is about privacy.” “This is about getting to the truth.” There are principles involved here . . . somewhere.
And this:
A young woman in the process of renewing her permission as a “Dreamer” to remain in the United States legally was arrested Wednesday by Immigration and Customs Enforcement after speaking at a press conference where she urged President Donald Trump to protect people like her. Now two Democratic senators want answers.
Daniela Vargas, 22, was detained by ICE agents who pulled over a friend’s car on a nearby freeway after she left a coalition of clergy members, civil rights lawyers and other advocates for immigrants at Jackson City Hall, according to one of her lawyers, Nathan Elmore.
Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
2. March 2017 at 14:19
It’s ironic that executive branch nominees require more vetting legally than presidential candidates.
2. March 2017 at 14:56
‘All of the sudden, the news media isn’t talking about Trump’s speech anymore, as it seems the Attorney General lied under oath when asked about contact with Russian officials.’
I hope the Trump advisers who were responsible for the tone of his speech are happy now.
Jeff Sessions was not asked if he’d EVER met with a Russian during his confirmation hearings. Apparently too difficult a point for The Enemies of the American People to understand. I.e., Sessions was on THE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE.
2. March 2017 at 15:08
Here’s the actual exchange (via C-Span):
Franken: CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week, that included information that “Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” These documents also allegedly say “there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.” Again, I’m telling you this as it’s coming out, so you know. But if it’s true, it’s obviously extremely serious, and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?
Sessions: Senator Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.
Note the question asked was about this, “there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.”
Not about normal diplomatic meetings between an ambassador and a Senator on the SFRC. It doesn’t even depend on what the meaning of ‘is’, is.
2. March 2017 at 15:13
to be on the foreign relations committee sure is a nice cover to do all sorts of things while maintaining perfect deniability.
Either way, if the accusations against the Trump campaign are truly baseless, surely you’d agree that they should eagerly rush to clear their own names in an investigation as neutral and squeaky clean as feasible, i.e. NOT tainted by members under even the hint of suspicion? There’s no other way – w/o an investigation of this kind, no one will ever completely trust Trump and his staff on the Russia matter.
2. March 2017 at 15:17
mbka, Lenin had a term for people like you.
2. March 2017 at 15:48
Excellent word and never popularized and thus overused.
Trump? When he has a truly good or truly bad idea, no one seems to care.
Paring back national intelligence agencies? Trump proposed so, received no support from punditry or his own party.
Another $54 billion for “national security”? No one seems to oppose it.
Trump appointees to FOMC (getting ready to suffocate the economy)?
Who cares?
2. March 2017 at 17:49
The WaPo and Democrats are trying desperately to deflect the attention off the breaking news that Obama and the DOJ ran a massive slush fund to finance liberal groups, that Sessions is going after the pedophiles, and a host of other activities that has the establishment scared s#!tless
The Sessions story is fake news, as Patrick pointed out
Also, isn’t it interesting that merely a week after the WaPo hired pedophile satanist John Podesta, that they publish the fake news about Sessions?
Something big is going down
2. March 2017 at 17:52
Obama also illegally pilfered billions of dollars from Fannie and Freddie to prop up his collapsing Obamacare failure
2. March 2017 at 17:53
2. March 2017 at 17:53
2. March 2017 at 17:55
Republicans sabotaging Obamacare repeal and replace:
2. March 2017 at 18:23
Remember when Eric the gun runner Holder was found in contempt of congress and Lyin Loretta Lynch plead the fifth?
2. March 2017 at 18:23
Add on:
President Trump, who sometimes blurts out the truth in his bombast, said in his address to Congress that $6 trillion has been spent in the Mideast, which could have spent on US infrastructure.
“America has spent approximately six trillion dollars in the Middle East, all this while our infrastructure at home is crumbling. With this six trillion dollars we could have rebuilt our country –- twice.”–Trump.
To be accurate. Trump should have said “spent and incurred obligations for $6 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan” as some of the $6 trillion is for pending VA benefits and debt payments.
On the other hand, much of military outlays that might be pro-rated to the Mideast are not.
My point?
Trump is the only GOP’er, and maybe the only D.C. pol of either party, able to make this un-PC observation.
He deserves accolades from the punditry on this one point. There should be resonance here, amplification. Instead, Trump’s observation on this score is met with stony silence, or largely ignored–while people snivel about what TV shows he watches.
Egads–Trump, our enfant terrible needs adulation and support, but gets none when he is right.
You know, a few $trillion here, and few $trillion there, and pretty soon you are talking about real money. Let alone unspeakable yet evidently counter-productive carnage.
If Trump can avoid an Afghanistan, an Iraq, a Vietnam, will he rank higher or lower than a LBJ, Nixon, Bush jr?
I would say higher. Trump is hardly the worst of the lot.
“I read the news today, oh boy” 1967 Beatles.
Oh, boy, we are showing our years.
2. March 2017 at 18:24
2. March 2017 at 18:25
I have a zillion of these real news articles which Sumner dares not touch because he is a socialist liberal
Why does Sumner continue to link to fake news sources like WSJ?
2. March 2017 at 18:35
Scott Adams would say that Trump is living rent-free inside the heads of his haters.
2. March 2017 at 18:37
Scott, question:
As far as I can tell, the EMH tells us that the world prefers President Trump to President Clinton or President Obama. What do you think?
2. March 2017 at 18:37
By “President Clinton,” I mean the expected Hillary presidency. Not the erstwhile Bill one from ages ago.
2. March 2017 at 18:38
^^The expected Hillary one from back before and right up to the election.
2. March 2017 at 18:48
I’ll just note the title references a song in which someone shoots themselves in the head, which is increasingly seemingly like a good plan these days… Frum is exactly right: the founders never realized how craven a GOP congress would be in the face of a GOP president
2. March 2017 at 19:00
I like this one:
Sumner was coyly making the same argument months ago in his usual “heads I win, tails I lose” way
2. March 2017 at 19:01
Steve F:
Prepare thyself!
2. March 2017 at 19:09
2. March 2017 at 19:32
Steve F-
When the Fed makes the market go up, EMH tells us the Fed is doing an excellent job.
When Trump makes the market go up, EMH tells us he’s stealing from the poor.
😉 😉 😉
2. March 2017 at 20:01
Two posts ago, Scott told the alt righters that Trump had stabbed them in the back on dreamers, just like Scott had warned them.
In this current post, Scott is amazed at the audacity of Trump for arresting a dreamer.
No matter what Trump does with the dreamers, it proves how right Scott was.
It’s kind of like the EMH.
2. March 2017 at 20:21
Bob, Why can’t both be true?
Steve F, What would Scott Adams say about the fact that Trump likes to watch Sean Hannity. Is that what evil geniuses do with their spare time? Just asking. 🙂
2. March 2017 at 20:51
don’t forget the fake moon landings planted by the trilateral commission through the illuminati!
2. March 2017 at 21:13
“There are principles involved here . . . somewhere.”
It is good for my party. Why do you think there is anything more? It seems that Trump win didn’t convince people that saying things that you obviously think do not make you look worse. Anyone knows these “principles”, no harm in stating them out loud.
2. March 2017 at 21:16
No joke. I can’t figure out if Trump hijacked the GOP by turning people into a bunch of tin foil hat wearing lunatics or if the derangement of Fox News, Glenn Beck and other whiteboard divinci code hidden symbol types sowed the seeds Trump later reaped along side infowars and such.
Sure WaPo, CNN, and NYTs outlets have had a legacy of liberal bias but these illuminati, templar knights, free mason, 9/11 conspiracy types are unbelievable.
Wtf is wrong with people???
2. March 2017 at 23:31
RedState makes a good point about NYT. NYT chose to publish a newsworthy quote from Claire McCaskill saying she never met with the Russians.
Later sleuthing determined that McCaskill has indeed met with the Russians at least twice, but perhaps forgot about it. The NYT deleted the still newsworthy quote without even a correction notice.
The minor sin was NYT’s lack of transparency, failing to disclose the edit or the new information to the reader.
But the bigger sin is NYT’s decision to publish McCaskill’s quote when it supported the “Sessions/Trump are Russian spies” narrative, but to bury the quote when it supported the “Senators regularly meet with Ambassadors” narrative. It’s newsworthy either way, but thanks to Internet revisions, we got to watch the NYT editing process in real time.
NYT makes hundreds of these decisions every day, which means the intelligentsia readership are just derps with confirmation bias. It’s important to acknowledge the insidious nature of media bias; it isn’t just slant or tone; it’s getting a cherry picked subset of facts specifically filtered for liberal politics. No different from relying on Hannity for Conservative thought.
2. March 2017 at 23:37
Where are your sources? I provided mine, they’re on the record, real.
Oh, about the term “conspiracy theory”, you might like this:
2. March 2017 at 23:38
Speaking of tin foil hats, when will you be writing about the Democratic Party being hijacked by a bunch of “Russia hacked the election” tin foil hat wearing sore losers?
2. March 2017 at 23:43
mbka, another one for you:
“Right on cue, the George Soros-financed MoveOn.org progressive activist group on Thursday organized a protest outside the U.S. Department of Justice building calling for the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions.”
“The protest was organized fairly quickly. It was held mere hours after reports surfaced that Sessions held two conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. while he was Alabama’s senator and served on the Armed Services Committee. Sessions maintains that the conversations did not concern the 2016 presidential campaign.”
LOL, this was a planned hit job from the progressive money laundering pedophile establishment.
They really don’t want Sessions going after the corruption.
2. March 2017 at 23:50
Schumer and Putin having a great time together
The Democrats and Vladimir Putin used to be very close and something happened. Something occurred between them that caused the mere mentioning of Putin’s name to be a thought-crime.
Clinton/Podesta had MASSIVE financial ties to Putin while she was SoS. Podesta is a former lobbyist for Russia. Podesta facilitated the sale of US Uranium mining rights between Russia and the State Dept. They were very close business partners.
Something changed between Putin and the Dems and it happened recently.
Now the Dems are in perpetual Neo-McCarthyism mode
3. March 2017 at 02:11
MF, when you explain how a guy calling himself major freedom can support a wannabe autocrat with more admiration for a brutal anti-freedom dictator that has ursurped power for life in his country and attempts manipulate free elections in the oldest democracy on earth, than his predesseor and campaigns opponent.
3. March 2017 at 02:14
Something changed between Putin and the Dems and it happened recently.
Yes, yes, it’s a real mystery. Maybe it has something to do with Putin supporting Trump during the elections and the Democrats losing them even though they thought it would be an easy win.
3. March 2017 at 03:12
Aaargh, the Europeans requiring visas for Americans. It’s like trade wars. The right response would be the opposite: run ads in publications like the Economist saying “Hold your business meetings in Europe” and touting their business friendly visa policies.
(And, yes, it does pre-date Trump.)
3. March 2017 at 03:38
More millionaires seem to leave countries like France, Germany, China, Turkey and move to countries like Australia, US, UK, Switzerland and Canada. Quite understandable if you ask me.
3. March 2017 at 05:52
‘What would Scott Adams say about the fact that Trump likes to watch Sean Hannity.’
First, how do you know he does (other than you read someone claiming he does)? Second, if I were the kind of person who might one day be interviewed by Sean Hannity, or anyone else, I’d want to be prepared.
And even if he does like Sean Hannity, is he any worse than Judy Woodruff, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer….?
3. March 2017 at 05:59
Speaking of Scott Adams, today he links to something apposite;
The gist of it is that the brain gets some sort of chemical payoff from outrage, and we seek it when we’re otherwise bored with life. Politics serves up lots of outrage opportunities. That’s why we are drawn to it – for the high.
We rationalize that we are fighting the good fight and making the world better. But mostly it just feels good to get worked up about issues and share the experience with like-minded dopamine addicts.
The Dopamine Puppet idea is compatible with what I call the Persuasion Filter. This view on life says we do things for chemical rewards and we rationalize those choices after the fact as being totally reasonable. Our sense of reason is an illusion when it comes to most of our actions.
We do use reason to narrow our options. For example, you don’t try to marry a dead person, and you don’t try to get a job with a company that no longer exists. But our final decisions are generally based on some sort of feeling, not logic.
3. March 2017 at 06:14
Here’s a nice illustration of the problem with ‘news’;
During her confirmation hearing, education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos was asked whether schools should be able to have guns on their campuses. As NBC News reported, DeVos felt it was “best left to locales and states to decide.” She pointed out that one school in Wyoming had a fence around it to protect the students from wildlife. “I would imagine,” she said, “that there’s probably a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies.”
This was an utterly noncontroversial stance to take. DeVos was simply pointing out that different states and localities have different needs, and attempting to mandate a nationwide one-size-fits-all policy for every American school is imprudent.
How did the media run with it? By lying through their teeth. “Betsy DeVos Says Guns Should Be Allowed in Schools. They Might Be Needed to Shoot Grizzlies” (Slate). “Betsy DeVos: Schools May Need Guns to Fight Off Bears” (The Daily Beast). “Citing grizzlies, education nominee says states should determine school gun policies” (CNN). “Betsy DeVos says guns in schools may be necessary to protect students from grizzly bears” (ThinkProgress.) “Betsy DeVos says guns shouldn’t be banned in schools … because grizzly bears” (Vox). “Betsy DeVos tells Senate hearing she supports guns in schools because of grizzly bears” (The Week). “Trump’s Education Pick Cites ‘Potential Grizzlies’ As A Reason To Have Guns In Schools” (BuzzFeed).
The intellectual dishonesty at play here is hard to overstate. DeVos never said or even intimated that every American school or even very many of them might need to shoot bears. She merely used one school as an example of the necessity of federalism and as-local-as-possible control of the education system.
Rather than report accurately on her stance, these media outlets created a fake news event to smear a reasonable woman’s perfectly reasonable opinion.
3. March 2017 at 06:18
D.O. Actually there is harm, they cause me to ignore everything that person says, from this point forward. If they are upfront about lying, why should I care what they say?
I am going to add you to the list of commenters I do not read. Before it was just Major Freeman, now it’s Major Freeman and D.O.
Patrick, You said:
Second, if I were the kind of person who might one day be interviewed by Sean Hannity, or anyone else, I’d want to be prepared.”
You have a great sense of humor. It’s a double joke as Trump doesn’t prepare for anyone, he has too big an ego. And if he did, Hannity would be the last person in the universe he’d feel a need to prepare for. He watches Hannity because Hannity is likes Trump and talks at the same level as Trump. And what level is that?
And yes, Hannity is far worse than those other reporters you name—isn’t that obvious? Or is your dopamine addiction clouding your judgment?
As far as your second comment, can someone explain to me why Scott Adams is viewed as some sort of deep thinker? I have yet to read anything he said which went beyond utterly banal observations about politics and psych.
3. March 2017 at 07:28
“As far as your second comment, can someone explain to me why Scott Adams is viewed as some sort of deep thinker? I have yet to read anything he said which went beyond utterly banal observations about politics and psych.”
lol… I was suckered in for a short while trying to see if the man made any sense. And of course, some of his observations are interesting, as would happen by random chance for anyone who writes a lot. But in the end I came to the same conclusion, no deep insights, just snark and well-hidden resentment.
3. March 2017 at 09:28
Agree re Scott Adams, but the quote Patrick provided above is pretty good. Goes along with Sumner’s own observation that politics makes people crazy, and stupid.
Anyone who seriously believes Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump are epically dangerous destroyers of the nation are taking it way to far. Most of us that like to post here are just doing it for the dopamine and lulz. And if you think you are doing brilliant work saving the nation from leftists or rightists, you are laughably naïve.
3. March 2017 at 10:10
Seems like a pretty straightforward description of what she said.
The rest do have a spin, but are a long way from being false. Hardly “fake news.”
A good example of fake news is “Researchers suspect that vaccines cause autism.” Of course the “researchers” might be practicing homeopaths who “research” why homeopathic remedies are better than science based medicine, so it might still not be technically false.
3. March 2017 at 10:46
‘…can someone explain to me why Scott Adams is viewed as some sort of deep thinker?’
Who claimed Adams was a ‘deep thinker’?
3. March 2017 at 10:57
Scott Adams’ talents are not the type that would address why Trump watches Hannity, or why he tells the media he watches Hannity. He does so in part because Hannity is very pro-Trump, and Trump supports pro-Trump. He talks good about Fox in part to get more people to watch Fox and get more people on the Trump Train.
Regarding Scott Adams’ talents, try reading only what he covers through his “persuasion filter.” He’s one of the very few people who covers this area of psychology.
3. March 2017 at 11:09
Scott, are you telling me that you think Judy–‘I don’t get it.’–Woodruff is a more intelligent, astute person than Sean Hannity.
Or, maybe I should ask, You think she’s not as big a nitwit as Hannity?
3. March 2017 at 16:32
‘…why Trump watches Hannity, or why he tells the media he watches Hannity.’
As I pointed out to Scott (and he avoided addressing), we don’t know that he does watch Hannity. He certainly didn’t tell the media that. Look at what Bloomberg actually wrote;
‘…according to a senior White House aide privy to the president’s viewing habits.’
I.e., an anonymous source says he watches Hannity.
3. March 2017 at 20:17
In fact, I didn’t advocate for people lying. I was surprised that they do not acknowledge the obvious 99% of the reason they take a position. But, of course, you are free to ignore my commenting and I am not sure I will ever bother.
4. March 2017 at 14:39
Patrick, Hannity is an idiot.