Fed policy: A dangerous game, or just doing its job?
A commenter named JTapp recently sent me a post entitled “The Fed’s Dangerous Game,” which expresses a bunch of widely held views that I think are completely off base. In this and the next post I will criticize some of those views:
The Fed has a dual mandate: to promote full employment and low inflation. For decades, the two seemed to be in conflict due to faith placed in the Phillips Curve, which held that there was a trade-off between inflation and employment. The same general idea holds today among many at the Fed, but the preferred measure is now the monthly Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization data release. In general, inflation only occurs when the economy is all full employment, or when capacity utilization is high. Under these circumstances, incremental capacity additions have the effect of “bidding up” the price of production inputs, causing a generalized rise in the price level. With capacity utilization still below its 1991 recession low and unemployment so high, the Fed sees very little chance of inflation.
This is not unreasonable. The low yields on nominal Treasury securities and continued declines in business and consumer sentiment make inflation seem unlikely at the moment. What there is less empirical support for, however, is the insistence that inflation is too low or that, as Chairman Bernanke argued last Friday, “the risks to price stability had become two-sided: With inflation close to levels consistent with price stability, central banks, for the first time in many decades, had to take seriously the possibility that inflation can be too low as well as too high.”
First of all, inflation isn’t caused by the economy being at capacity; indeed inflation was far higher in 1933-34 than 1999-2000. But more importantly, why would anyone be surprised that the Fed is trying to engineer higher inflation? If they are doing their job they should have some sort of inflation objective in mind. Because the rate of inflation has been stable for decades, we can assume that the actual rate of inflation has been close to their objective. To suggest otherwise is to accuse the Fed of extraordinary incompetence. Surely they are not so inept as to repeatedly miss their target in the same direction?
So let’s suppose they are trying to steer the economy toward 2.00% inflation. Then whenever inflation is expected to be about 1.90%, they should be trying to generate higher inflation, and whenever it is expected to be about 2.1% they should be trying to generate lower inflation. You’d expect roughly one half of the time they’d be trying to boost inflation, and one half the time they should be trying to reduce inflation. Do I have any evidence to back up this view? Yes, over recent decades they have cut rates roughly as often as they’ve raised rates. Whenever they cut rates they are trying to raise inflation, and vice versa. They may not explicitly announce that fact, but everyone in the markets understands this. Look at the response of TIPS spreads to monetary policy announcements; it’s clear that investors understand what the Fed is trying to do. So there should be no surprise that the Fed is trying to increase inflation at a time when the TIPS spreads show that inflation is likely to undershoot their implicit 2% target for years to come. The only surprise is that almost everyone finds the concept of the Fed trying to raise inflation to be somehow novel or surprising. This just shows that almost no one understands monetary policy—a point Krugman makes repeatedly.
You might respond that Ben Bernanke himself said the Fed is trying to raise inflation “for the first time in many decades,” so I must have misinterpreted Fed policy. I’m afraid the Bernanke quotation merely shows that he has a bad memory. As recently as 2002-03, Bernanke was advocating ultra-low rates as a way of boosting inflation and keeping the US out of a Japanese-style zero rate trap. How soon we forget.
The basics of price level targeting are as follows. If today’s price level is 100 and inflation is 3% per year, in five years the price level would be 116. If inflation were to fall below 3% in the early part of the period, the only way the Fed could hit its price level target would be through higher inflation later on. For example, if we were to have 1% inflation for the first 3 years, to hit its five year price level target of 116, the Fed would have to accept 6.1% annualized inflation for the next two years. But once inflation reaches those levels, bringing inflation back to 2-3% per year may not be so easy. Unmooring inflation expectations is a dangerous game and using the “price level” as a target seems especially dangerous now given that most market participants think in terms of changes to prices – inflation and returns on assets. The targeting of nominal GDP could be even more dangerous since it would deemphasize real changes in output in favor of “catch-up” based purely on increases in the price level.
This passage makes two errors. First, it is inflation targeting where expectations are unmoored. Under 2% inflation targeting, the price level 10 years from now might be 5% above current levels, or 15% higher, or 25% or 35%. There is no way of knowing. When the Fed misses its target, there is no commitment to return to the old target path. With price level targeting we know the price level will be roughly 20% higher (a bit more due to compounding.) That’s how you anchor expectations. And second, NGDP is a better target than the price level because wages are more closely linked to nominal income than to the price level. That’s why China’s workers get pay increases more than 10% higher than Japanese workers, despite having an inflation rate only about 3% higher. Chinese NGDP grows more than 10% faster than Japanese NGDP.
Of the components of GDP, none has been more reliable than consumer spending. To expect consumers to bear more of the burden for generating growth is, to hope to relive the 2003-2008 period.
The U.S. economy appears to be mired in problems that monetary policy cannot solve. And, attempting to use this blunt instrument looks like it will only make matters worse. As Bank of America chief economist Mickey Levy noted in a paper prepared for the recent e21-Shadow Open Market Committee meeting, the Fed’s “rationale for more QE has changed.” Formerly judged to be a tool to avert deflation, QE is now thought to be a mechanism to “stimulate economic growth or job creation.” Unfortunately, there is little to no data on which to base this assumption because QE is such a novel policy tool. By attempting to generate inflation to boost current expenditures, the Fed is playing a dangerous game in experimental monetary economics where the benefits are speculative but the downside risks are all too real.
In fact, the problem in 2003-08 was not consumer spending, it was investment. Too much money was going into residential investment. In any case it is not the Fed’s job to decide which sectors should expand and which should contract.
The Fed doesn’t directly target inflation or real growth, but rather AD. Changes in AD then indirectly impact both inflation and real growth. Thus it makes no sense to argue the Fed switched from a policy of diverting deflation to one of boosting growth. They are exactly the same policy.
The problem with this view is that it risks a potential monetary disaster – systemically higher inflation expectations – to correct a problem – inadequate consumer spending – that’s not necessarily evident in the data.
One man’s disaster is another man’s success. The Fed should be trying to target expectations. Right now inflation expectations are too low. Of course NGDP targeting would be better, but if they are going to insist on targeting inflation, then at a minimum they should do enough QE to raise inflation expectations to 2%, and preferably a bit higher to make up for the recent undershoot. That’s not “disaster,” that’s what happens when the Fed does its job.
Tags: QE 2
2. November 2010 at 17:17
When my daughter was 3 yrs old I would fool with her by asking “how many pieces of wood would you need to build a canoe”? She would say a number and I would answer “no”. She kept trying different numbers and the answer was always “no”. She gave up and I answered “depends on the size of the canoe you want”.
I was reminded of that by reading all sorts of different numbers ($ values) put forth on the required size of QE2 (from $500 bil to $ 10 Tril!). To have an idea how much buying he´ll need to do, Bernanke (the Fed) first needs to state clearly its nominal target, but very different from the “canoe size” my daughter wanted, once the Fed states (credibly) its target (canoe size) the less buying (pieces of wood) he´ll likely need!
2. November 2010 at 17:29
Bill Gross drips the sledgehammer:
Gross added: “One of the ways to get even, so to speak, or to get the balance, is to debase your currency faster than anybody else can. It’s a shock because the dollar is the reserve currency. But to the extent that that is a necessary condition for rebalancing the global economy over time, then that is where we are headed.”
“Other countries and citizens are willing to work for less and willing to work harder””and we forgot the magic formula somewhere along the way,” Gross said.
In that regard, Americans should be investing a lot more overseas than they are to find growth as the U.S. remains in a slowish-growth environment, he said.
And there we see an interesting swatch of nekkid bits – since the US will print money rather than work harder for less – invest elsewhere, as US returns will be slowish growth.
Which leads to an interesting question:
If the currency falls 20% and the stock market goes up 20% – we haven’t really had any growth have we?
2. November 2010 at 20:45
Marcus, Good analogy–check out my new post.
Morgan, You said;
“If the currency falls 20% and the stock market goes up 20% – we haven’t really had any growth have we?”
Won’t that lead to more RGDP? More jobs?
2. November 2010 at 20:52
Scott, the more I think about it, the less I like the notion of “anchoring expectations”. It should not be the goal of policy.
If anchored expectations means anything, it means expectations that don’t change much in response to incoming data. Why is this a good thing? Furthermore, isn’t Japan a great counter example? No doubt the Japanese central bankers have really anchored expectations, but their monetary policy still stinks.
Good policy reduces uncertainty, but the way it does so is by being predictable. Public commitment to a policy that targets a path for the expected price level or expected nominal output will lead over time to stability in the target variable, and that stability will in turn “anchor” long-run expectations around the path. At the same time, short-run expectations will vary inversely with policy misses, as people expect corrections back toward the target. But in any case, the long-run anchoring is not the objective, it’s just a side effect.
2. November 2010 at 22:59
‘”If the currency falls 20% and the stock market goes up 20% – we haven’t really had any growth have we?”
Won’t that lead to more RGDP? More jobs?
No thats just inflationary growth, not actual growth. (I hate to use the term real because of how its tied into CPI.)
3. November 2010 at 03:39
Scott, thanks for the post, that’s helpful. Wish the author(s) of their piece would be listed there.
3. November 2010 at 06:36
Scott, why the hell would I let people have NO GAIN in their savings while you CROW about the fake rise in the stock market?
Dude, if you want to solve unemployment – cut wages. We don’t need “growth” we just need to let the workers better share the money.
We are not all one set of people – we are workers with no money and we are people who have saved money. Policy HAS to recognize this and support capital formation.
If we cut 25% from what Public Employees earn we can hire 16M new workers earning $25K a year. This creates better then perfect unemployment.
To extend the email discussion, how about if they Fed says, “Cut Public Employee pay by 12.5% this year.” ($200B) And “we’ll increase QE by another $500B.”
3. November 2010 at 07:24
There’s a third error in that passage you quote. It’s true that the only way that you would hit your price level target after years of low inflation is higher inflation, but the writer assumes that the price level target is scheduled for a specific year rather than a moving time frame.
Let’s use the same example. Let’s say the price level was 100 in Year 0 and your target was 116 5 years out. Now it’s Year 3 and your price level is only 103. He says that you would need 6.1% inflation for the next two years to reach your target in Year 5. That would be true, but only if your target were still Year 5. Since it’s now Year 3 your target should be based on the historical trend extended to Year 8, which would be a target of 126.7 (or so) and would only require an average annual inflation rate of 4.2%.
3. November 2010 at 09:37
Darrell Issa, who would take over as the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and be the Republican’s chief inquisitor of administration, already has the Fed in his sights. This year, he’s pressed the central bank for documents related to the AIG rescue and demanded Bernanke explain his role in authorizing payments to the insurer’s counterparties, calling him an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the bailout.
3. November 2010 at 09:42
My advice to the Fed: raise rates. You might be surprised to find that higher rates lead to greater employment. Economies don’t work well when there is no place for savers to park funds, or when investors don’t have an alternative to risk assets. Economic agents don’t react well when crisis measures are used… it makes them sit on their hands all the more. Nothing good ever comes from punishing the prudent, and rewarding the imprudent. (And, I really fell sorry for seniors in this environment “” their ability to generate income in an environment of QE is reduced.)
3. November 2010 at 09:42
My advice to the Fed: raise rates. You might be surprised to find that higher rates lead to greater employment. Economies don’t work well when there is no place for savers to park funds, or when investors don’t have an alternative to risk assets. Economic agents don’t react well when crisis measures are used… it makes them sit on their hands all the more. Nothing good ever comes from punishing the prudent, and rewarding the imprudent. (And, I really fell sorry for seniors in this environment “” their ability to generate income in an environment of QE is reduced.)
4. November 2010 at 16:38
Jeff, The BOJ has the right idea, but the wrong trend line. They need 3% NGDP growth, they have 0%.
Doc Merlin, If jobs are created, it’s real.
JTapp, Thanks.
Morgan, I want to cut wages relative to asset prices–by raising asset prices. It’s much easier that way.
Mario, It depends on how quickly you commit to return to the trend line. But that’s a good point.
Morgan, The GOP should want easy money now. If they do austerity, and the Fed generates a recovery, it will look like Krugman was a Cassandra on austerity.