Et tu, Charles Evans
In that intellectual bubble known as the “economics profession” people still talk (and write papers) as if monetary policy is ineffective at the zero bound. Meanwhile in the real world:
LONDON (Reuters) – Signs the U.S. Federal Reserve might trim its stimulus program as soon as next month sparked a broad selloff in world share markets on Wednesday, as Britain’s central bank prepared to clarify its stance on future policy.
“We’re going to get tapering, it’s really a question of when and not if and that’s why we’ve seen a decline in (equity) markets,” said Michael Hewson, market analyst at CMC Markets.
Dovish Fed policymaker Charles Evans said on Tuesday the central bank will probably scale back bond buying later this year and, depending on data, could do so next month.
I guess traders need to take a course in macroeconomics, so they can learn that the Fed is powerless once rates hit the zero bound.
PS. Unlike a few months ago, this bout of tapering talk did not raise interest rates. One more piece of evidence that interest rates are an unreliable indicator of the stance of monetary policy. On both occasions stock prices fell on the news, that’s where you want to look for market reactions to Fed news. However you should never reason backwards, never assume that stock movements tell you something is happening to monetary policy, as lots of other factors also move stock prices.
PPS. Anyone else use WordPress? My “spell check” stopped working weeks ago–don’t know why.
7. August 2013 at 06:33
It was disgusting!
7. August 2013 at 07:15
Perfect blog title. And we need the FOMC why?
7. August 2013 at 07:32
Hatzius suggests that the Fed will reduce the unemployment target when they start the taper:
7. August 2013 at 07:32
Excuse me. Threshold not target.
7. August 2013 at 08:07
“I guess traders need to take a course in macroeconomics, so they can learn that the Fed is powerless once rates hit the zero bound.” Too Good…
7. August 2013 at 08:42
“Anyone else use WordPress? My “spell check” stopped working weeks ago-don’t know why.”
Try alt-shift-n to toggle spellcheck. You can also click the toolbar icon with the abc/checkmark
7. August 2013 at 10:48
Just change your browser! Chrome is super fast and has spell check built-in.
So for example, I know that there are no spelling errors in this comment.
7. August 2013 at 12:20
I use WP too, never noticed. You get a spellcheck function from FireFox too (which claims FireFox is misspelled).
7. August 2013 at 17:41
Marcus. Bernanke is not as authoritarian as the previous two–he let’s them say what they want. It may be a good policy, but right now it’s messing up the markets.
Michael, That’s good to hear.
xtophr, I tried both, neither work.
Sina, I use chrome already. It doesn’t help. My spell check is broken. Not in general, just in WordPress.