A day in Trump’s America

1.  Sessions (who lied about his Russia connections) announces that the War on Drug Using Americans will be scaled up, with even longer prison sentences (for activities that are perfectly legal in many states.) Meanwhile clueless conservatives/libertarians cover their eyes about the immense human suffering of “those people” and prattle on about how Gorsuch is a better choice than Garland.

2.  Trump acts like a Mafia Don, threatening the former head of the FBI.

3.  Sean Spicer refuses to confirm or deny that Trump is taping phone calls, a rumor created by Trump himself.

4.  Spicer falsely claims that Trump never asked Comey for a loyalty oath.

5.  Spicer falsely claims that Clapper once exonerated the Trump campaign from having colluded with the Russians.  (He didn’t)

As an American I am appalled.  As a blogger I’m on cloud nine, looking forward to many more months and years of being able to rub all this in the face of Trumpistas.  🙂

PS.  Meanwhile, GOP Senators and Representatives run and hide from the press.



32 Responses to “A day in Trump’s America”

  1. Gravatar of morgan warstler morgan warstler
    12. May 2017 at 12:39

    Amateur at politics.

    This story isn’t even playing in Trump America.

    Nobody cares.

  2. Gravatar of Alex Godofsky Alex Godofsky
    12. May 2017 at 12:43

    Overheard today: “perfectly executed Nixon speedrun”.

    I’m extremely disappointed that even senators like Paul and Sasse voted to confirm Sessions, who is basically evil incarnate.

  3. Gravatar of Jim Glass Jim Glass
    12. May 2017 at 13:06

    Spicer falsely claims that Trump never asked Comey for a loyalty oath.

    In the old days the President had to be loyal to J. Edgar Hoover.

    What’s happened to our national priorities?!

  4. Gravatar of Benny Lava Benny Lava
    12. May 2017 at 14:00

    They claim to love freedom but when the rubber hits the road we know them by the fruit of their labor.

  5. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    12. May 2017 at 18:03

    “Sessions (who lied about his Russia connections)”

    That’s fake news. Sessions didn’t lie about his Russia connections. He was asked if he had any contact with Russian diplomats or agents during the campaign, and he answered no he did not. And nobody has shown any proof he did. What the democrats and fake news are claiming, which of course you eat up because you’re brainwashed, is that because Sessions met with Russian diplomats years ago as member of the arms committe while he was in the Senate, at meetings with other US personnel, set up by the Obama administration by the way, all part of his job, that because he did not say he met with Russian diplomats at the hearing about the Russian alleged influence in the elections, that this proves he lied.

    Um no.

    “announces that the War on Drug Using Americans will be scaled up with even longer prison sentences (for activities that are perfectly legal in many states.)”

    Show proof of this. I don’t doubt it, but I trust you and your sources less.

    “Meanwhile clueless conservatives/libertarians cover their eyes about the immense human suffering of “those people” and prattle on about how Gorsuch is a better choice than Garland.”


    “Trump acts like a Mafia Don, threatening the former head of the FBI.”

    He didn’t threaten Comey with violence as a mafia don does. Trump discovered that Comey is one of the major leakers, and he is warning Comey that he has recordings of their conversations (recording conveerations is something you are Ok with in politics, and you have not once decried the surveillance state, which is also funny because it is actually legal to record conversations in Washington, via the “one party consent” law), and that if Comey leaked again to the media, he would release conversations the two of them had, probably 3 times Comey said Trump is nt under investigation.

    Some people think the FBI will start leaking like crazy now that Comey is gone, but interestingly the leaks stopped since Comey was fired. Mafia don? More like draining the swamp.

    “Sean Spicer refuses to confirm or deny that Trump is taping phone calls, a rumor created by Trump himself.”

    Clapper and Comey and Susan Rice refuse to confirm they wire tapped Trump and tens of thousands of citizens illegally.

    Spicer not saying or not to whether Trump taped the conversations he had with Comey may make the fake news and you angry, but I would have done the same thing, Comey was corrupted, it will all come out…

    “Spicer falsely claims that Trump never asked Comey for a loyalty oath.”

    Prove Trump did.

    ” Spicer falsely claims that Clapper once exonerated the Trump campaign from having colluded with the Russians.  (He didn’t)”

    Actually Clapper did. It is on video, which of course the fake news doesn’t show and which of course you wouldn’t know. On more than one occasion, Clapper has said, under oath to Congress, that there is no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians during the campaign. Trump even has a new TV screen in the white house, that is some sort of new technology TV, and on it he plays on a loop Clapper admitting there is no evidence, to show his opponents when they visit, to troll them.

    Sumner you are more out of touch with the world around you than Hitler was.

  6. Gravatar of Patrick R. Sullivan Patrick R. Sullivan
    12. May 2017 at 18:44

    Great minds think alike (i.e., Comey had it coming);


    At present, therefore, the near-hysterical charges against Trump on the underlying claims of impropriety are not supported. Given the mercurial state of affairs, the critics in Washington should hold their fire until they have something more concrete to go on. The great tragedy is that too many voices are so rigidly and irretrievably anti-Trump — so opposed to him on every aspect of domestic policy and foreign policy — that it clouds their judgment.

    My view is somewhat different. I think that Trump à la carte is the only way to look at him: horrible on some issues, and sound on others. In this case, it is too soon to reach a definitive verdict, but here is my tentative conclusion about this current controversy: Where there is no smoke, there is no fire. Let the smoke appear, and we can and should reevaluate. But that time has not yet come.

  7. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    12. May 2017 at 18:45

    To clarify, I am looking for evidence that Sessions will lengthen prison sentences back what they were pre-2013 for drug related activities that are “legal in many states”.

    Are you expecting the DEA will be arresting pot dealers?

    Trump is going after the drugs like heroin and other Opiods coming in from Mexico. If Sessions is going to start imprisoning pot dealers, then that would be very dictatorial, akin to federal agents putting people in prison for daring to go against the central bank monopoly and competing against it by opting out of the dollar system entirely, including paying taxes in US dollars. Then we would be talking about non-hypocritical propagandists, who don’t masquerade as champions for liberty, who don’t in reality just cherry pick a cool kids cause because it is safe to do so.

  8. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    12. May 2017 at 19:00

    A recently unearthed essay co-written by Barack Obama in 1991 stated that the American dream is to be Donald Trump.

    Penned while the former president was a graduate student at Harvard Law — with the help of fellow classmate Robert Fisher — “Race and Rights Rhetoric” summed up the American mindset as “a continuing normative commitment to the ideals of individual freedom and mobility, values that extend far beyond the issue of race in the American mind.”

    “The depth of this commitment may be summarily dismissed as the unfounded optimism of the average American—I may not be Donald Trump now, but just you wait; if I don’t make it, my children will.

    The excerpt of that previously unpublished law school paper found its way inside Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, the new 1,460-page biography written by Pulitzer Prize winning historian David Garrow that focuses on Obama’s early years.

    The paper argued that black Americans should “shift away from rights rhetoric and towards the language of opportunity.”

    Uh oh

  9. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    12. May 2017 at 19:01

    Jack Posobiec on Twitter:

    “FBI source tells me Comey dropped the Susan Rice unmasking investigation bc it would have implicated himself.”

    Double uh oh

  10. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    12. May 2017 at 19:02

    James Comey rejects invitation to testify before Senate Intelligence Committee


    Triple uh oh

  11. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    12. May 2017 at 19:10

    Whistleblowers: James Comey Seized and Buried Information Showing Donald Trump’s Phone Calls Were Spied On (AUDIO)


    Quadruple uh oh!

  12. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    12. May 2017 at 19:45

    who lied about his Russia connections

    Except he didn’t. Look at the context of the question he was asked.

    Gorsuch really is a better choice than Garland.

    Only problems are that DACA isn’t ended, Dems still somehow control the House (bizarre, but this is Paul Ryan’s America), a lot of the Ocare mandates are staying, and the wall still isn’t being built.

  13. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    12. May 2017 at 20:51

    A day in Sumner’s America:


  14. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    12. May 2017 at 21:00

    Or maybe this is a more accurate representation of a day in Sumner’s America:


    “I have no sympathy for the United passenger”

  15. Gravatar of Anonymous Anonymous
    12. May 2017 at 22:39

    On the surface, a term like globalism seems reasonable to many who aren’t paying attention. They assume it is just society progressing forward, and everyone across the globe coming together to solve problems and forge innovation.

    This is not what globalism is at all. Globalism is the transfer of power from the population of the world to a small group of elites that believe they know better than you.

  16. Gravatar of Patrick R. Sullivan Patrick R. Sullivan
    13. May 2017 at 05:12

    ‘In the old days the President had to be loyal to J. Edgar Hoover.’

    As usual, Jim cuts to the heart of the matter (the benefits of a Fordham Law School education!). The head of the FBI is just another Executive Branch employee, ultimately answerable to the POTUS. He’s perfectly legally entitled to hire and fire whomever he chooses.

    J Edgar’s skills as a bureaucrat and self-promoter obscured that line of authority. As LBJ was wont to put it, It’s better to have Hoover inside the tent pissing out than outside pissing in.

    I just happened to have spent a few hours, yesterday, in the waiting room of an auto dealership where the TV set was set on CNN, so I caught a lot of the hysteria over the Comey firing on the part of The Fourth Estate (Broadcast Division).

    Richard Epstein was being kind in his dismissal of the journalists trying to re-live Woodward and Bernstein. Whatever Trump’s shortcomings–which are legion–they pale into insignificance compared to his critics. But that doesn’t mean Trump can ignore them. He needs to step up his ridicule of his critics, not moderate his rhetoric. He’s got a stronger case to make…if he will just make it.

  17. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    13. May 2017 at 05:52

    Morgan, You hitched your horse to the wrong wagon. He’s an incompetent buffoon who won’t be able to get stuff done.

    How’s the repeal of Obamacare going?

    Alex, Yup, Sessions was the worst Senator, in either party.

  18. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    13. May 2017 at 08:50

    “Morgan, You hitched your horse to the wrong wagon. He’s an incompetent buffoon who won’t be able to get stuff done.”

    Trump has already got more “done” than Obama’s entire 8 year term.


    (Not an endorsement, just pointing out you’re wrong about your envy filled assessment)

    By the way, there is more evidence that indicates the liberal media attempted to influence the election through collusion with the Clinton campaign, than there is evidence of the Russians exposing proof of that collusion to influence the election.

  19. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    13. May 2017 at 08:51

    “How’s the repeal of Obamacare going?”

    Better than Obamacare

  20. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    13. May 2017 at 08:56

    This alone is sufficient to beat Obama’s entire term, and Hillary’s awful potential but thank god it didn’t happen term:

    4,141+ 1,919+
    2017/05/05 900 300 USA/EUROPE
    2017/05/02 4 1 USA, PA
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    2017/04/28 4 USA, CA
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    2017/04/25 1 1 CAN
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    2017/04/19 18 USA, NY
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    2017/04/19 10 USA, CA
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    2017/04/18 6 2 USA, LA
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    2017/04/16 1 1 CAN
    2017/04/12 17 GHANA
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    2017/04/12 2 2 KUWAIT
    2017/04/11 78 18 CAN
    2017/04/09 1 5 RUSSIA
    2017/04/08 348 400 CAN
    2017/04/07 12 1 USA, IL
    2017/04/07 2 3 USA, CA
    2017/04/07 2 USA, OH
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    2017/04/07 1 1 USA, DE
    2017/04/07 14 USA, OR
    2017/04/06 1 6 UK
    2017/04/06 1 3 CAN
    2017/04/06 3 3 USA, CA
    2017/04/06 8 INDIA
    2017/04/06 1 1 USA, OH
    2017/04/06 1 2 USA, KY
    2017/04/06 2 USA, CT
    2017/04/01 10 USA, CA
    2017/03/31 4 USA
    2017/03/31 2 1 USA, SC
    2017/03/31 1 1 USA, OK
    2017/03/30 1 1 USA, OK
    2017/03/30 2 6 GHANA
    2017/03/30 3 1 USA, CT
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    2017/03/29 1 2 VN
    2017/03/29 9 INDIA
    2017/03/29 2 6 USA, CA
    2017/03/28 15 USA, FL
    2017/03/28 2 1 CAN
    2017/03/28 3 1 PH
    2017/03/25 3 1 USA, CA
    2017/03/24 13 USA, OH
    2017/03/24 16 2 USA, CA
    2017/03/23 2 1 CAN
    2017/03/23 1 1 USA, MD
    2017/03/22 6 THAILAND
    2017/03/22 1 1 USA, TX
    2017/03/22 3 1 CAN
    2017/03/22 1 1 USA, CA
    2017/03/22 1 6 USA, TX
    2017/03/21 2 1 USA, FL
    2017/03/21 104 USA, FL
    2017/03/21 1 1 USA, NC
    2017/03/21 1 1 USA, TX
    2017/03/21 1 1 USA, NE
    2017/03/18 5 USA, MD
    2017/03/18 7 1 USA, CA
    2017/03/18 11 TAIPEI
    2017/03/18 1 1 USA, NC
    2017/03/17 1 14 USA, MI
    2017/03/17 1 CAN
    2017/03/17 1 1 USA, TX
    2017/03/17 2 13 PH
    2017/03/17 2 USA, OH
    2017/03/16 1 1 USA, CO
    2017/03/16 2 1 USA, CA
    2017/03/16 1 5 USA, GA
    2017/03/15 2 INDIA
    2017/03/15 1 2 CAN
    2017/03/15 2 1 USA, MI
    2017/03/13 1 1 CAN
    2017/03/13 1 USA, WI
    2017/03/11 1 1 USA, NE
    2017/03/10 9 USA, ND
    2017/03/10 1 1 USA, CO
    2017/03/09 7 3 USA, FL
    2017/03/08 24 10 BD
    2017/03/08 1 8 USA, GA
    2017/03/08 2 11 USA, AL
    2017/03/08 2 UK
    2017/03/07 10 BULGARIA
    2017/03/07 2 2 USA, TX
    2017/03/07 10 2 USA, CA
    2017/03/07 1 3 USA, NJ
    2017/03/06 1 USA, SC
    2017/03/06 7 PH
    2017/03/03 35 30 INDIA
    2017/03/03 1 8 USA, TX
    2017/03/03 2 1 USA, NY
    2017/03/02 2 2 CAM
    2017/03/01 2 2 USA, TX
    2017/03/01 4 10 USA, MA
    2017/03/01 2 1 USA, MI
    2017/02/28 9 USA, CA
    2017/02/28 41 MALI
    2017/02/28 1 2 INDIA
    2017/02/27 10 USA, NC
    2017/02/27 18 MALAYSIA
    2017/02/27 10 USA, NC
    2017/02/24 1 1 CAN
    2017/02/23 16 3 USA, UT
    2017/02/23 1 1 CAN
    2017/02/22 11 USA, WA
    2017/02/22 8 USA, LA
    2017/02/21 1 2 JAMAICA
    2017/02/20 8 USA, MD
    2017/02/19 USA, OH
    2017/02/18 3 11 GHANA
    2017/02/17 2 USA, NY
    2017/02/17 8 SWEDEN
    2017/02/17 2 PH
    2017/02/16 3 3 USA, CA
    2017/02/16 4 10 USA, MA
    2017/02/16 2 USA, LA
    2017/02/16 12 USA, FL
    2017/02/16 11 USA, VA
    2017/02/16 4 USA, IN
    2017/02/15 1 USA, MA
    2017/02/15 3 1 USA, NV
    2017/02/15 1 USA, NY
    2017/02/15 11 USA, VA
    2017/02/15 USA, OH
    2017/02/15 42 USA, FL
    2017/02/14 2 15 USA
    2017/02/14 3 1 USA, FL
    2017/02/13 24 GHANA
    2017/02/13 22 16 USA, MI
    2017/02/10 3 1 USA, TX
    2017/02/10 11 USA, CA
    2017/02/10 6 168 JAPAN
    2017/02/09 5 13 UK
    2017/02/09 2 1 USA, NE
    2017/02/09 1 1 USA, LA
    2017/02/09 0 1 UK
    2017/02/09 464 92 USA
    2017/02/08 1 1 CAN
    2017/02/08 2 USA
    2017/02/08 1 1 USA
    2017/02/07 4 USA, OK
    2017/02/05 5 72 UK
    2017/02/05 108 USA, IL
    2017/02/05 178 USA, TX
    2017/02/05 9 31 HAITI
    2017/02/04 2 21 MALAYSIA
    2017/02/03 3 3 UK
    2017/02/02 1 1 CAN
    2017/02/02 2 USA, NY
    2017/02/01 1 USA, PA
    2017/02/01 0 11 USA, LA
    2017/01/30 13 CANADA
    2017/01/30 3 10 NIGERIA
    2017/01/29 5 USA, PA
    2017/01/29 474 55 USA, CA
    2017/01/29 3 USA, CA
    2017/01/29 1 1 USA, TX
    2017/01/28 1 USA
    2017/01/27 42 USA, TN
    2017/01/26 14 USA, CA
    2017/01/26 1 1 USA, OH
    2017/01/26 2 2 USA, MS
    2017/01/25 1 PH
    2017/01/25 1 1 USA, TX
    2017/01/25 2 2 CAN
    2017/01/24 1 1 CAN
    2017/01/24 1 1 USA, OR
    2017/01/23 80 194 EDO
    2016/11/23 51 NORWAY
    2016 1,952
    2015 1,437
    2014 1,770
    2013 1,877
    2012 967
    2011 938
    2010 300

  21. Gravatar of Major-Freedom Major-Freedom
    13. May 2017 at 09:49

    James Comey Denied Leaking Under Oath — Days Before Leak from One-on-One Dinner with Trump


  22. Gravatar of Jason Jason
    13. May 2017 at 13:20

    This seems like a good time to mention that you can easily remove some of the inanity from this comment section by pasting the following into your address bar and press enter:

    javascript:([].slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName(‘commentbody’)).forEach(function(x){if (x.innerText.startsWith(‘Major-Freedom’)) {x.style.display = ‘none’}}))

    For convenience, you can also add that to a bookmark on your bookmark bar.

    Note: this might not work on all browsers.

  23. Gravatar of Major.Freedom Major.Freedom
    13. May 2017 at 18:15

    There was never a “hack”, the DNC EMAILS were turned over by Seth Rich, the Podesta emails were phish’d over (Podesta turned over his password), neither are classified as hacking

  24. Gravatar of Major.Freedom Major.Freedom
    13. May 2017 at 18:21

    NSA admits it used the ‘Russia Election Hacking’ narrative as leverage to not only play a role in US elections but also those of France, Britian, Germany and others:


  25. Gravatar of rob rob
    14. May 2017 at 06:59

    This comment section is like a zoo for alt right trolls. Either the guy is either a fairly clueless self important person thrust in a position far above his ability and thus highly reliant on aides or the greatest mastermind of all time, you decide! Occam’s razors guys, Occam’s razor. Reading contorted explanations about Trump reminds me a lot of reading Star Wars fan theories, not 100% disprovable but come on. We basically have a Darth Jarjar in Chief.

  26. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    14. May 2017 at 07:28

    Jason, I like MF’s “activity”. I never read him, but appreciate his boosting my ad revenue.

  27. Gravatar of Major.Freedom Major.Freedom
    14. May 2017 at 12:31

    “I never read him”

    Hahaha, yeah you do.

    Unsolicited and without prompting saying you do not, coupled with the frequent followup comments that directly address many of the things I say, makes that transparent.


    Occums’ Razor is that the Alt-Left MSM trolls are publishing fake news that only make you believe there is so much bumbling and fumbling, and Alt-left bloggers and commenters are dumbfounded and confused about what is really going on

    Sure, there is a lot of sloppiness, but not only is that true in every administration (“We needed to pass Obamacare into law to find out what’s in it”), but it would be against your own interest to approach Trump with the default of “He’s a moron”, and then by selection bias and confirmation bias, focus on the missteps all day long and fail to see the bigger picture

    The alt-left trolls infesting this blog and many others, are by and large completely and utterly clueless about what is happening in the world, because they don’t understand that the MSM are a left wing political party that purposefully lie and mislead

  28. Gravatar of Major.Freedom Major.Freedom
    14. May 2017 at 12:42


    This put the media bias into perspective:


  29. Gravatar of Will Will
    14. May 2017 at 18:49

    Scott I know you don’t like to censor your comments section, but it’s being spammed.

  30. Gravatar of Scott Sumner Scott Sumner
    15. May 2017 at 05:43

    Will, Yeah, it’s pretty bad.

  31. Gravatar of The Original Gordon The Original Gordon
    15. May 2017 at 05:43

    If Trump gets only half of what he asked for, it shows his genius at negotiating. If he gets none, it shows only how the President can be blocked by Congress or the Judiciary. How great is it to be Trump! (In the minds of Trumpsters.)

  32. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    16. May 2017 at 12:40

    Gordon, Yup.

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