New blog intro
I have a new “About this blog” in the right column, which had not been updated since I first started blogging. Check it out.
Regarding my previous post, I should add that my Trump posts are written in a totally different style at Econlog (indeed the style most of you would prefer.) Most of my good macro posts are over at Econlog. So it’s all there if you guys want it; I guess some of you are masochists. The two totally different styles imply that if my writing style does reflect my mood, as some of you seem to believe, I must be a complete schizophrenic.
Or maybe I know how to play a role.
PS. I recall some Trump supporters were upset when Trump interviewed Romney. They didn’t seem to understand that Trump was just toying with Romney, publicly humiliating him for his earlier harsh criticism of Trump. The same thing Putin does with his billionaire associates. I know it’s hard to believe, but there are people that naive, who fail to see what’s really going on. And some are in my comment sections. They take everything literally.
14. December 2016 at 09:24
Or maybe I know how to play a role.
The role of Sergeant Howie? I admit that you are very good at playing this specific role. Maybe we can shoot a remake as tribute.
14. December 2016 at 09:27
I like the difference in style between your posts here and your posts at Econlog.
Thank you for blogging!
14. December 2016 at 09:42
“They take everything literally.” Except what Trump says; *that* they take *seriously*.
14. December 2016 at 12:25
“I recall some Trump supporters were upset when Trump interviewed Romney.”
-I, for one, never believed Willard S**t would be Secretary of State. No loyalty!
14. December 2016 at 16:01
“You’ll quickly notice I’m not a natural blogger” was your worst forecast ever.
14. December 2016 at 17:49
You are a voice of reason in a wilderness. Keep up the good work!
14. December 2016 at 19:58
Trump wanted a public apology from Romney.
“Trump raised the possibility of a public apology with Romney as a way of mollifying those critics, the sources said. He asked Romney to say publicly he was “wrong” about Trump.”
“After that, more than once, Trump raised the prospect of a public apology from Romney ”
So this is what it’s come to. We have President-Elect who considers his own hurt feelings more important than doing what’s best for the county. And the saddest part is with Trump, no one is surprised.
15. December 2016 at 02:05
@Negation of Ideology
What exactly is your point? During the campaign Romney basically said multiple times that Trump is a complete basket case. Now Romney wanted to be Secretary of State under Trump. How does this go together? Don’t you think it’s normal that Trump is wondering this as well? This could have worked out only with a public apology by Romney. And even then it would have been really weird. Don’t get me wrong, I kind of like Romney. But this was just a dead end for Romney. I don’t know what he was thinking. Was he thinking something at all?
15. December 2016 at 04:15
Did Trump get an apology from Perry? I didn’t see one.
15. December 2016 at 07:11
Thanks Rob.
Thanks Stephen, but I still believe I’m not a natural.
Thanks Daniel.
Negation, Trump has literally no good qualities, so why am I not surprised. And has Trump apologized for all of his insults during the campaign? For any of his insults?
Did Trump apologize for his insults of Romney, which were even worse?
Philip, Trump doesn’t care about that, because Perry switched during the campaign and endorsed Trump. Romney was NeverTrump to the end. And Perry’s criticisms were in the heat of the campaign, and Romney’s were not.
15. December 2016 at 09:36
Trump has literally no good qualities,
You’re in the business of making a caricature out of yourself.
16. December 2016 at 16:47
Christian –
“Now Romney wanted to be Secretary of State under Trump. How does this go together? Don’t you think it’s normal that Trump is wondering this as well?”
What are you talking about? Romney didn’t ask Trump to be Secretary of State, Trump is the one who asked for the meeting and raised the issue of Romney being Secretary of State. If Trump was wondering if it’s normal, why did he bring it up? The question isn’t what Romney was thinking, it’s what Trump was thinking.