Asian voter support for the GOP falls to new lows, will Jewish voters be next?

Here’s the Daily News, in 2015:

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump lampooned Asians during a campaign rally in Iowa, mocking them with broken English. . . .

“It wasn’t enough for Jeb Bush to insult Asian Americans with his ‘anchor baby’ slur? Now Donald Trump mocks the way Asians speak after calling for an end to birthright citizenship,” Margaret Fung of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund told the Daily News Wednesday.

“If these offensive remarks continue, no one should be surprised when Asian American voters turn their back on Republican candidates in 2016.”

And a year later:

Asian-American voters headed into the 2016 elections are shifting toward the Democratic Party, according to a report released Monday by APIA Vote, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, and AAPI Data.

The report — which surveyed 1,212 voters and was conducted in English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, and Vietnamese — also found that a majority of voters disliked Donald Trump, were more enthusiastic about voting compared to earlier elections, and — despite increased enthusiasm — had not been contacted by any political parties or civic engagement nonprofits. . . .

Rhetoric around immigration was a major issue for the Asian-American electorate. Forty percent of surveyed voters said they would vote for someone else if a candidate expressed strong anti-immigrant rhetoric, and 43 percent of voters said they would do the same if a candidate expressed strong anti-Muslim rhetoric.

Matt Yglesias has a chilling post on rising anti-Semitism within the new Trump GOP:

The Republican Jewish Coalition has the mission of attracting votes and fundraising dollars for Republicans from American Jews, a challenge when your party’s nominee has a robust following among the online “alt-right,” which is full of kooky anti-Semites. (Check out the #kikeservative hashtag for some examples.)

Apparently the RJC has dodged the issue, which attracted some tweets from outraged journalists:

Screen Shot 2016-05-24 at 11.16.30 PM

The modern GOP is not a pretty sight.




55 Responses to “Asian voter support for the GOP falls to new lows, will Jewish voters be next?”

  1. Gravatar of Art Deco Art Deco
    25. May 2016 at 05:35

    The Jewish electorate has never cast the majority of its ballots for a Republican presidential candidate and the ever polite George W. Bush won all of 19% of the Jewish vote. Orientals and East Indians cast about 30% of their ballots for the proper Mr. Romney. This isn’t driven by the Republican candidate’s manners.

    The contemporary GOP does not look bad compared to college faculties.

  2. Gravatar of Gary Anderson Gary Anderson
    25. May 2016 at 05:52

    There are three groups Trump really has not criticized. White men, KKK, Israel. He is for continuing settlements in the West Bank on Palestinian land. Trump is a globalist, a very nasty globalist, who believes Israel and the KKK are his constituency.

    I have said it before, this is similar to Ihor Kolomoyskyi, who is a billionaire in the Ukraine who seeks a fusion of Nazis and Jewish people to fight Muslims. So far, Jewish people, according to the article I read, reject Kolomoyskyi. Jewish people in America don’t have to be insulted to think seriously if they want a Pamela Geller type without a period as their president.

    (Trump has made fun of womens’ periods, just FYI)

  3. Gravatar of Benjamin Cole Benjamin Cole
    25. May 2016 at 06:47

    The modern GOP is not pretty?

    Egads, the GOP has been running on the so-called “Southern Strategy” since at least President Nixon in 1972.

    Add in lots of warmongering and horrid occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. This is real stuff, not rhetoric. And the GOP establishment wants more war-making ability.

    That includes Ronald Reagan.

    Trump is a boor. Is he worse then his predecessors on matters of policy as will be implemented?

    Perhaps not.

  4. Gravatar of brendan brendan
    25. May 2016 at 07:13

    We need a new economic metric. Call it the corpse elasticity of demagoguery:

    (% change in murder rate) / (% change in demagoguery).

    For example, I gather that at one time in Iraq if that Sadr fella started running his mouth, expect some dead sunnis soon. Conversely, if whoever is the most influential Mormon in the world started badmouthing Catholics, not much would happen.

    More relevantly, Scott, why are more people getting killed in Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, LA, etc.? Why was a little urban crime wave set off right around the time the liberal establishment decided to try to lynch that cop in Ferguson?

    Or a more general metric: (% change in any kind of bad behavior) / (% change in demagoguery).

    Are alt-righters storming stages at Yale, intimidating Jewish speakers, preventing them from speaking?

    Or burning down city blocks demanding immediate justice for some cop who got killed in the job?

    Where is the proportion?

  5. Gravatar of Art Deco Art Deco
    25. May 2016 at 07:25

    Egads, the GOP has been running on the so-called “Southern Strategy” since at least President Nixon in 1972.

    Do you think Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern wanted no Southerners’ votes or is it your contention that Southerners should have declined to vote in some sort of penance? (While we’re at it, why not tell us just what Southern segregationists got out of Richard Nixon).

  6. Gravatar of Gary Anderson Gary Anderson
    25. May 2016 at 07:27

    Hey Brendan, you need to realize that government fears peaceful movements more than anything. That is why the FBI established COINTELPRO back in the 1960’s. Some guys raided an FBI office and found out that the FBI had been making peaceful movements violent. The government knows how to deal with violence, not with peace. Peace threatens its legitimacy.

    So, don’t think COINTELPRO has not continued. It has. Witnesses said that the policy surrounded the students in Baltimore, and stopped the buses from running so they could go home. Who put the cops up to this? I think Homeland Security has taken the place of the FBI in the new version of COINTELPRO.

    And in Ferguson, a fire expert, who we heard from once and never again, said that the fires were not started by the blacks, but rather by professionals. And now we find out that urban renewal was planned for Ferguson just 4 months before the fires.

    So, if you believe that the inner, secret government is not in the business of fomenting hatred of blacks and Muslims, and is not in the business of making peaceful movements violent, I have some land in Florida I want to sell you. It has a little standing water on it, but that could evaporate in time.

  7. Gravatar of morgan s warstler morgan s warstler
    25. May 2016 at 07:56

    Wait a minute:

    There’s like NO #kikeservative anything.

    Meanwhile, Jews are being hit by left on college campuses all over America.

    Scott, you have gone completely irrational on Trump.

    The guy was getting POUNDED on right for saying he wanted to be able to negotiate with Palestine.

    His foreign policy is FAR MORE Sumner / Rand Paul, than any of the other GOP.

    And his trade policy… I think you can admit that the odds are China confronted by POTUS Trump, quickly opens up some more markets, gives him his scalps…

    Because they are now FAR MORE addicted and leveraged into Free Trade than they were 1 years ago.

    And note: Trumps at 28% with Hispanics. And he hasn’t even started to woo them yet. IMO he’ll get 35% of Latino men.

  8. Gravatar of Gary Anderson Gary Anderson
    25. May 2016 at 08:03

    Morgan, you are almost incoherent. But from what I understand, you think Jews are being hit on campuses. Well, I wish it was all peaceful, but it is Zionists who are being hit. All Jews are not Zionists. And many Zionists are not Jews.

    Joe Biden proudly proclaimed he was a Zionist.

    Trump is likely adding to the heat that causes this sort of behavior:

    He is a hater, a bigot, a racist and is a disgusting pervert, IMO. Anyone who is running for president and makes fun of females and their cycles is a pervert.

  9. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 08:05

    Trump won over 80% of the vote on Brighton Beach. He is by far the most popular candidate among those Jews most likely to vote GOP. And Sheldon Adelson endorsed him, so that settles it.

    Also, doesn’t your post just prove the wisdom of the Chinese Exclusion Act?

  10. Gravatar of brendan brendan
    25. May 2016 at 08:16

    Gary I’m aware that actual violence is bad PR. I know what a false flag attack is. (For example, crazy campus leftists are constantly getting caught perpetrating hate hoaxes.)

    But uh no even Edward Snowden knows it’s not the Department of Homeland Security that’s been whipping into a frenzy the crazier elements of black america. More likely it’s the powerful leftists who are constantly getting on TV to do exactly that to drive voter turnout.

  11. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    25. May 2016 at 08:23

    Art, I think you missed the whole point. I know the Asian (and Jewish) vote share has been small for the GOP, but the shift of the GOP toward and anti-immigrant position is making it smaller. And Asians are a rising share of the US population.

    Everyone, That’s right, change the subject. Don’t confront the fact that the candidate you are supporting is engaged in crude racist jokes aimed at Asians.

  12. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 08:40

    “Don’t confront the fact that the candidate you are supporting is engaged in crude racist jokes aimed at Asians.”

    -These jokes aren’t racist, except in the banal sense that they are cognizant of modal racial differences in behavior. And they’re meant to satirize foreign negotiators, not immigrants to the U.S. If present-day Asian immigrants in the U.S. have an affinity to corporate officials from their home countries, I’d be surprised.

    The big question is why you think these jokes are somehow a big deal. Are you becoming an SJW? Scott, whining about a politician making jokes about foreign negotiators does not make you a good person. Nor does it make you a better one. There is no point in you doing this. Instead, focus on doing something better -Making America Great Again.

    California and Vermont used to be solidly Republican, too. Does Sumner want to make the GOP the Party of California and Vermont again or something?

    And I predict Jewish voter turnout for Trump will be within five points of that of Rmoney.

  13. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 08:41

    And Romney’s share of the Jewish vote was extraordinarily high.

  14. Gravatar of Justin Justin
    25. May 2016 at 08:41

    @Gary said “who believes Israel and the KKK are his constituency” has anyone seen a KKK member? Do they exist? When was the last act of KKK terrorism? the 1960s? Give me a break. Next you’ll tell me I should be weary of Knights Templar influence in royal politics.

    As far as making fun of Asian accents, do people care? Compared to the outright racism directed at European Americans by mainstream politicians and antisemitism exposed by the Islamist-aligned left, an accent joke doesn’t seem like a big deal, real mainland Chinese wouldn’t care and would give it right back. I know China/Korea well and believe me, they’re not pearl clutching, delicate flowers. My friend calls his Korean-born wife “zipper head” and she just says “oh honey…” Let’s talk about The Wall and how glorious it is.

    I think American Jews will back Trump at average rates. They may be put off by his populist appeal to prole whites, but they can’t be blind to what’s happened to the Jewish communities in Sweden and France when Islam is allowed to take root. Certainly Sheldon Adelson had no problem backing Trump to the tune of $100,000,000.

  15. Gravatar of Capt. J Parker Capt. J Parker
    25. May 2016 at 09:11

    Dr. Sumner said “Everyone, That’s right, change the subject. Don’t confront the fact that the candidate you are supporting is engaged in crude racist jokes aimed at Asians.”

    I don’t support Trump. He’s done too much to earn the racist label. Trump being the GOP nominee is painful to contemplate. With all that said. The context of the purported slur against Asians was that Trump was saying Japanese and Chinese businessmen aren’t nice people, they’re tough negotiators. They are getting the better end of the trade deals with the US. He doesn’t think they are clowns. He thinks their smarter than our trade negotiators. More refined, less racist people also happen to think Japan (at least) is hosing us:
    But, The Daily News doesn’t want to report that Trump might have a point about Americans getting hosed by Asian trade deals and mainstream politicians appear impotent to do anything. They would rather only point and gasp at the inappropriate and offensive manner in which Trump was making his point. To ignore the substance in favor of criticizing the presentation is its own form of changing the subject.

  16. Gravatar of Art Deco Art Deco
    25. May 2016 at 09:40

    Art, I think you missed the whole point. I know the Asian (and Jewish) vote share has been small for the GOP, but the shift of the GOP toward and anti-immigrant position is making it smaller. And Asians are a rising share of the US population.

    No, I got your point, I just did not refer to it explicitly because you won’t acknowledge it. You have this addle-pated idea in your head that it’s coolio to have more votes from those sectors (and declasse to have them from other sectors). You’re welcome to your prejudices. Votes are votes and Jewish votes don’t count any more than my vote counts.

  17. Gravatar of Art Deco Art Deco
    25. May 2016 at 09:43

    has anyone seen a KKK member? Do they exist? When was the last act of KKK terrorism? the 1960s? Give me a break.

    Various and sundry klaverns (some under supralocal bodies, some not) have about 2,000 members in toto, give or take the FBI informants. There were (IIRC) about 20 homicides by klavern members between 1953 and 1982. The last was in 1981.

  18. Gravatar of brendan brendan
    25. May 2016 at 10:39

    Scott says: “Everyone, That’s right, change the subject.”

    When things are substitutes it’s always “compared to what”?

    For example: a liberal points to market failure; libertarian rightly so, “sure, but compare the market outcome not to perfection but to how the government is likely to do that particular job”.

    Is that changing the subject?

    You point to Trump’s problems. We compare them to the problems of the alternatives, and ask for an analysis of their proportions.

    That is not changing the subject.

    If some idiot tells Robin Hanson prediction markets are stupid because [insert some apparent market anomaly here], what does Hanson say?

    Compare them to the alternative! But no, that’s changing the subject when we talk about the faults of candidates apparently.

  19. Gravatar of Art Deco Art Deco
    25. May 2016 at 10:47

    Compare them to the alternative!

    You have the idea that careerist academics who slap the label ‘libertarian’ on themselves have impulses which differ from those of ordinary academics. Consider the idea that they merely have a different portfolio of guises and poses.

  20. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 10:47

    Brilliant, brendan. And I admit to being the idiot thinking at least some prediction markets are stupid. I think I’m more reliable than them. I gave Trump 60% chance of winning the nomination when they only gave him 25% back on January 1, and I never bought into that contested convention BS. Also, I pointed out Ted wasn’t dead and hypothesized that Rubio has a ceiling right after South Carolina, when Sumner was calling it a Trump-Rubio race, with Cruz completely irrelevant.

  21. Gravatar of Art Deco Art Deco
    25. May 2016 at 10:51

    It does not seem to occur to Sumner that Margaret Fung’s job is to be indignant when someone puts a microphone in front of her. Is this really worth all the spleen?

  22. Gravatar of collin collin
    25. May 2016 at 11:31

    Realize George Bush Sr. overwhelmingly won the various Asian-American vote in 1988. (I am guessing Reagan did as well but we don’t have the data.) And Republican percentage has shrunk very consistently since that election. And California has not voted for R since. (And it ain’t happening in 2016 almost guaranteed.)

    (Yes a lot of it was Prop 187 but you to remember the defense industry was huge until 1988 – 1992 period. Between outsourcing and manufacturing moves that was a significant Republican base.)

  23. Gravatar of brendan brendan
    25. May 2016 at 11:40

    Art Deco: I respect Scott a lot. An unknown guy from a small school making the contribution to macro he has since 2008 – that’s inspiring. He’s top 10 on my list of intellectual heroes.

    But others in that top 10 include several who know a lot more about the immigration debate than he does. Market monetarists get ignored – these guys get persecuted.

    So it is what it is. He’s still a stud even if he’s unwilling to take seriously all that we know that’s relevant to this particular thing.

  24. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 11:40

    Welcome to a new blog on the endlessly perplexing problem of Donald Trump’s status as 2016 Republican nominee. You’ll quickly notice that I am not a natural blogger, yet I feel compelled by recent events to give it a shot.

  25. Gravatar of D.O. D.O.
    25. May 2016 at 12:32

    Wow. This used to be the wonkiest site on internet. With, like, comment section arguments about what happened with some statistics in Japan vs. Europe during 2002-2007 and how it supports or refutes some macroeconomic views. The most racially charged comments were about Austrians. Just wow.

    Anyways, just for the people who like to contemplate differences in political cultures, traditions, norms etc. When Russian government wants to introduce another measure to clamp down on dissent it is always quick to find some Western (preferably, American) analogy to show that it is kosher. Like, when they forced all NGOs who receive foreign grants register as “foreign agents” an American law with vaguely similar requirement was brought up and paraded. Of course, the fact that for about 10 years before that any Russian business or rich person who wanted to contribute to said NGOs was pressured not to do so was not even worthy of discussions.

    So yes, keep pretending that the US is just another ethnicity-based nation, that the actual history of immigration into US is irrelevant, and that American 2 party system is a suitable vehicle for propagation of nativist and nationalistic views. Ole!

  26. Gravatar of Patrick R. Sullivan Patrick R. Sullivan
    25. May 2016 at 12:59

    Lost Secrets of the Incas file:

    “We’re basically at full employment,” said San Francisco Federal Reserve President John Williams on Monday. “That’s very good news.”

    Williams believes the U.S. economy is “back on track,” and the Fed deserves a lot of the credit for the dramatic turnaround. (President Obama too has been trying to take a “victory lap” on the economy).


    “The fact that income inequality is rising is real,” he says, but he doesn’t think the Fed can do much more about that. It’s a problem Congress and the White House are better positioned to handle.

    The other key issue is that middle class American salaries aren’t growing much.

    “Wages have been the puzzling part of the story. Wage growth has not picked up,” said Williams. Typically when the economy is at full employment, wages grow about 3% to 3.5% a year. Right now, wages are only growing 2.5%.

    That’s known as, a clue, John.

  27. Gravatar of Art Deco Art Deco
    25. May 2016 at 14:03

    So yes, keep pretending that the US is just another ethnicity-based nation, that the actual history of immigration into US is irrelevant, and that American 2 party system is a suitable vehicle for propagation of nativist and nationalistic views.

    ‘Nativist’ is a nonsense term; it’s a rhetorical thrust and nothing more. We have a strict two party system and have had such a system since 1862. Haven’t a clue through what other system you fancy people should propagate their views. The notion that critics of immigration are less informed about historical norms than are the open-borders pushers is tommyrot.

  28. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 14:14

    “It’s not my job to decide whether future Americans should be predisposed to prefer my views on economics or Krugman’s. Thus I should not take political inclinations into account when deciding on which groups should be allowed to immigrate to the US. And I apply this rule to lots of other issues as well. When deciding whether the Electoral College or the popular vote is the best way to pick a president, I pay no attention to which party is helped (it’s not clear in any case, and FWIW I favor the popular vote). Ditto for the parliamentary political system (which I prefer). I don’t care which party it helps.” -May 25

    “I want Ryan” -April 9

    So you’re in favor of majority rule when it comes to issues unimportant to you, like the size of government, but oppose it entirely when it comes to issues important to you, like who should be the Republican presidential nominee. I understand. Very consistent.

    Your recent Econlog post was the least coherent post I’ve heard you write there. You, Sumner, should be ashamed of yourself.

    Stop being a wimp.

    Make America Great Again!

  29. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 14:26

    “When Russian government wants to introduce another measure to clamp down on dissent”

    This is why I now call Deutschland Doucheland. I will do so until it gets better leaders. Same with my call for Turkey to be nuked from top to bottom.

    If faced with a dissenter of Trumpian proportions, the Russian establishment will be found as impotent as the GOP establishment. For the vast majority of the population, Russian restrictions on freedom of speech are simply irrelevant. The reason the Russian establishment has stayed in power for so long is simply because its primary opponents are composed almost entirely of Very Unserious People, who are so Unserious that not even in the direst crisis will a majority ever agree to give it unimpeded power.

  30. Gravatar of Tom Brown Tom Brown
    25. May 2016 at 14:44

    Scott, I agree with you. Jennifer Rubin (Jew) has a pretty good piece in her “Right Turn” column yesterday:

  31. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 14:53

    Tom, that’s another typical piece of Rubin bile.

  32. Gravatar of Gary Anderson Gary Anderson
    25. May 2016 at 15:22

    So, boys, if there are no KKK members left (just a few former ones, like David Duke), why is Trump afraid to criticize them? Others apparently identify with their racism, which is why Trump doesn’t criticize a group that barely exists.

    Truth is, Asians and everyone who is not racist or Israeli should not vote for Trump.

    Billionaire fascism is on the rise. Personal blog:

  33. Gravatar of Tom Brown Tom Brown
    25. May 2016 at 16:01

    Scott, philosopher Peter Boghossian has had it with both that segment of the left he refers to as the “regressive left” (anti-free speech left) and faith. He calls faith “pretending to know things you don’t know.” One of his common approaches in interacting with “people of faith” is to see what evidence would cause them to change their beliefs. He points out that he himself leaves the door open to mind changing evidence on every subject.

    I wonder if someone were to canvass Trump supporters about what would cause them to change their mind on Trump, how they would answer. Off hand I’d think that for most of them it couldn’t be any policy position, because those are very likely to change on a minute by minute basis, and Trump supporters are used to that by now. So what would do it? Perhaps if he had a gay lover? Would that do it? What if he possessed both male and female genitalia? Like Trump himself said, I don’t think it being revealed that he’d murdered someone would be enough: that might actually enhance his appeal. I’d guess something that makes them think of him as effeminate would be the only deal killer. Murder is very macho!

    Like Boghossian says about those who cannot even imagine what any mind changing evidence would be like, I suspect that more than a few of them are “pre-contemplative” or “doxastically closed.”

    Of course I’m sure Bernie and Hillary supporters have a few of those in their ranks (perhaps more than a few), but I suspect a large percentage of Trumpsters do. It’d be interesting to find out.

    Among the Trump defenders here, I wonder what evidence would cause them to change their minds? I bet you nobody will answer you if you asked, because if they said something that sounds reasonable (like some policy position) they should know by now that Trump is likely to reverse himself on such a position multiple times (perhaps even over the next hour). Thus I suspect that nobody would want to put themselves on the line like that. If they’re honest and say “if it’s revealed he bottoms in gay porn videos” as their mind changing evidence, then perhaps that’s something they wouldn’t want to admit.

  34. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 16:26

    “I wonder what evidence would cause them to change their minds?”

    -Lots. I despised Romney, Rubio and Christie. If Trump starts behaving like them, and also promises to appoint Sandersista liberal SC Justices, then I will change my mind about him.

  35. Gravatar of Christian List Christian List
    25. May 2016 at 16:47

    Everyone, That’s right, change the subject. Don’t confront the fact that the candidate you are supporting is engaged in crude racist jokes aimed at Asians.

    He made a joke that implied that people from China and Japan (not Asian Americans) often don’t speak English too well – even when they do a lot trade with the English speaking world. That’s simply the truth.

    My brother worked in Japan during the last year for a mechanical engineering company from Tokyo that focuses heavily on the US and Europe. It’s 50% of their market. They got like 2,000 employees. He said during the whole year he met like 10 people that could speak English well enough for a very basic conversation. Only 3-5 spoke English pretty well. The other 99% in his division basically did not speak English at all even though his division was responsible for the management of the US and European market. Even their translators weren’t good. He’s a mechanical engineer but when they realized his imperfect English and Japanese is nevertheless superior, he basically became the overpaid chief translator who was asked to translate the main correspondence of the company.

    China was a different story though. They spoke English better. I expected it to be the other way round but I was wrong.

  36. Gravatar of Christian List Christian List
    25. May 2016 at 16:48

    but the shift of the GOP toward and anti-immigrant position is making it smaller.

    At least 2/3 of the American Jewish votes have always been in favor of the Democrats since at least 1924. Goldwater got around 10%, Nixon around 18%, Bush senior around 11-19%. It’s hard to get less than that. Weirdly enough the strong anti-Semites are pretty much all anti-Trump, too. This seems to be no sheer coincidence. You find a lot of those guys in the anti-Trump camp and generally on the Left. A hardcore anti-Semite does not like Trump at all. For them Trump is way too soft on Israel for example.

    Everyone, All the arguments you are using against Hispanic, Arab and Asian migrants were used against the Irish, Jews, and Italians in the 1800s. They can’t assimilate to Anglo Saxon society. The nativists were wrong then, and you’ll be wrong again.

    So the Irish, Germans, Italians of those days are the nativists and GOP voters of today – exactly because they assimilated so much. So in other words: The same thing will happen to Asians as soon as their assimilation is complete.

    Large numbers of Asians and Hispanics are intermarrying with whites. In 200 years we’ll all be tan.

    You don’t put the numbers into perspective. 97-99% of whites still marry other whites. So no. In 200 years we all won’t be tan.

    I think most of the complainers are just grouchy old people who are out of touch with the modern world. It’s not that hard to get along with immigrants.

    In fact you seem to be the old guy. I’m 30 years old. I get along with immigrants just fine. I bet I met more in my life than you did. You still need to control the borders.

  37. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 16:56


    -China’s exports as a percentage of GDP is twice as large as that of Japan. Yes, the Japanese are more insular than the Chinese, and have been for centuries (with the possible exception of the 1870s).

  38. Gravatar of Mark Mark
    25. May 2016 at 16:58

    I don’t think verbal treatment of groups has any real electoral impac whatsoever. Bob Byrd was a former kkk member and used the n word while in office, yet did fine with black voters. Democrats say racist things fairly often (Biden especially) but that never drives minorities into the arms of even the nicest GOP candidates. Frankly, almost anyone will gladly vote for the guy offering them free stuff or pandering to their ideology whet he calls them ‘spooks’ and ‘kikes’ or not.

    Trump is an asshat, but looking at it from electoral self interest, why not be as racially offensive as he wants? When has racial sensitivity ever gotten the GOP an inch among minority voters. I don’t think these numbers among Asians would be markedly different even if Kasich were the nominee.

    Also worth noting that the direction of causality isn’t obvious. If group A leaves the party in droves, that gives the party less incentive to care about being sensitive to them.

  39. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 18:35

    Mark, half-true. Both southern Whites and northern Blacks voted strongly for FDR, but that’s because FDR encouraged a lot of PR about how he was friendly with Black folks. Blacks still mostly identified as Republicans in 1936, but were solidly identified with the Democrats by 1950 -though I doubt they liked the Southern Democratic candidates that were on the menu for them. Blacks kinda liked Eisenhower, but were so ticked off by Goldwater that they forever abandoned the GOP.

    It seems most Mexicans are very ticked off by Trump’s anti-illegal remarks.

  40. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    25. May 2016 at 19:06

    Harding, I don’t know why you even bother with my philosophy posts. They are not intended for people like you.

    Christian, Your stats on intermarriage are absurdly wrong. Don’t talk about things you know nothing about:

    Then you respond to my comment on Asians with data on Jews. Nice.

    Mark, You said:

    “I don’t think verbal treatment of groups has any real electoral impac whatsoever.”

    That’s idiotic.

  41. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    25. May 2016 at 19:07

    Christian, You said:

    “He made a joke . . .”

    He made “a” joke? Do you really believe that nonsense, or are you just trolling?

  42. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    25. May 2016 at 19:17

    Brendan, Read through the response to this post, and ask yourself if you are really surprised that I have complete contempt for Trump supporters.

    You say I should take Trump defenders seriously, but why? You mean people like Harding, who thinks Hitler was justified in taking the Sudetenland? Or Art, with his weird obsession about Jews, or Christian? Who are the intelligent Trump supporters than I should be paying attention too? Be specific?

    If a Trump supporter would just say “Yes, I see that he is a moronic racist demagogue, but I think he might cut tax rates”, I could respect that view. I would disagree, but at least it would be an honest view. But all I get is this garbage.

  43. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    25. May 2016 at 21:30

    OK, Christian was wrong, only 91% of Whites don’t marry outside their race. Big deal.

    “Then you respond to my comment on Asians with data on Jews. Nice.”

    -I thought he was responding to your stuff on Jews with data on Jews. You mentioned Jews in the post, so expect to get data on them.

    “You mean people like Harding, who thinks Hitler was justified in taking the Sudetenland?”

    -How wasn’t he? And Art has no weird obsessions about Jews; he appraises them realistically.

    “If a Trump supporter would just say “Yes, I see that he is a moronic racist demagogue, but I think he might cut tax rates”, I could respect that view.”

    -I have always admitted Trump to be a dishonest authoritarian who might have a good foreign policy and appoint sound justices. I have disputed the idea he’s racist; do you think the Clintons would willingly associate with a racist? Ted Cruz felt more like a demagogue than Trump.

  44. Gravatar of Mark Mark
    25. May 2016 at 21:36

    “That’s idiotic.”
    You think racial insensitivities (or flatteries) are anywhere near as important to people of any race as the tangible rewards they get from one candidate vs, another?

    Can you actually show me evidence that, say, GOP candidates who don’t verbally insult this or that ethnic group do marginally better than those who do, despite having similar policy positions? No? Okay then.

  45. Gravatar of Mark Mark
    25. May 2016 at 21:39

    Harding: “do you think the Clintons would willingly associate with a racist?”
    Um, yeah. I’m just going to assume that sentence was tongue in cheek.

  46. Gravatar of Brian Brian
    26. May 2016 at 00:21

    Mark wrote:

    “You think racial insensitivities … are anywhere near as important to people of any race as the tangible rewards”

    Obviously it’s dangerous to speak for people of any and all races. If you’re white in America, how would you know if others are nearly as corruptible as you think they are? It’s not just reward to consider but that everybody’s honor has a different price.

  47. Gravatar of Art Deco Art Deco
    26. May 2016 at 04:07

    Or Art, with his weird obsession about Jews

    One of your occasional commenters says I’m ‘hasbara’. I’ve spent a certain amount of time in fora like this tangling with people who loathe Israel, people who fancy the Rothschilds are in charge of the occidental world, and people who fancy the American Jewish population consists of chronically ill-mannered schemers who only work as bond traders or studio executives or slumlords or opinion journalists, carry Israeli passports, and join country clubs with high dues and ratty golf courses. And, of course, they had George W. Bush completely snookered. Why don’t you all get together and figure out just what the line is? Maybe mash ’em together and settle on a story that I’m a ‘weirdly obsessed’ AIPAC employee?

  48. Gravatar of Gary Anderson Gary Anderson
    26. May 2016 at 06:44

    art, you said:

    “I’ve spent a certain amount of time in fora like this tangling with people who loathe Israel, people who fancy the Rothschilds are in charge of the occidental world, and people who fancy the American Jewish population consists of chronically ill-mannered schemers who only work as bond traders or studio executives or slumlords or opinion journalists, carry Israeli passports, and join country clubs with high dues and ratty golf courses.”

    Here is the deal, you are making a big mistake if you think that all Jews support the Rothschild project. A court ruled in England that the Rothschild project was NOT the essence of Judaism, of what it means to be Jewish. Therefore, it, the project, is allowed to be criticized.

    I realize many Israeli supporters have deliberately confused antiSemitism with antiZionism. But according to the court ruling, they are not the same! Also Stormfront type people confuse the two because they hate all Jews, which is as evil as hating all Muslims or hating all people of certain nations and/or religions. It is intolerance and it is evil, Art.

  49. Gravatar of Gary Anderson Gary Anderson
    26. May 2016 at 06:49

    Here is the link to the article showing the court case that the Rothschild project is not the essence of Judaism:

  50. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    26. May 2016 at 10:15

    Harding, That particular remark was clearly discussing Asians.

    You said:

    “OK, Christian was wrong, only 91% of Whites don’t marry outside their race. Big deal.”

    Of course it’s a huge deal, as my comment referred to 200 years. And that percentage of interracial marriages is rising fast.

    Are you Trumpistas now denying basic math?

    Mark, So if Hillary starts using the “N word” that won’t drive down her support among blacks? Seriously? Byrd’s members hip in the KKK was long ago, and blacks understood that he reformed. But if had still been a member, it would have hurt.

    Art, I’ll admit that you are not at Gary levels of nuttiness. 🙂

  51. Gravatar of Christian List Christian List
    26. May 2016 at 22:00

    Your stats on intermarriage are absurdly wrong.

    “Absurdly wrong” are big words for less than 10 percentage points. The difference happened because I meant all existing marriages while you seem to talk about newlyweds only.

    Of course it’s a huge deal, as my comment referred to 200 years. And that percentage of interracial marriages is rising fast.

    I read that the rates rose for whites and blacks only while for Hispanics and Asians the rates were nearly identical in 2008 and 1980. This seemingly contradictory trends are usually explained with the ongoing Hispanic and Asian immigration waves. In other words: It’s just about certain pools that enlarged for whites and blacks.

    I also won’t do predictions for the next 200 years. That seems to be your department lately.

  52. Gravatar of Gabe Gabe
    27. May 2016 at 06:31

    I wonder why you react to the GOP in such a emotional way as “not pretty” or worry about them losing support from different ethnic groups? I experience it totally differently…like I really genuinely don’t care if the GOP looks primed for success…if anything I want them to have less support…and I am not saying this from some sorta socialist/democrat-progressive perspective…I am not saying I like democrat politicians either…just that is seems like generally a good thing if fewer people support the GOP…how can smart people(like yourself) not agree with that?

  53. Gravatar of Jon Jon
    27. May 2016 at 07:16

    Scott, the trump GOP is becoming a worker’s party. The antics during the debate play him as a common man. Have you worked in an environment with technicians recent enough to remember? It’s a cultural dead-ringer.

    The Asian community has always been very aspiration and strongly identifies with the professional class. I don’t think slurs on Asian-Americans are the cause here. Expect Trump to do well with people who self-identify (proudly) as being part of the working-class. That includes immigrants and minorities who view themselves that way.

    This is a brilliant move on his part to cleave off the bulk of the Democrats leaving behind a rump of elitist progressives. Professional Republicans have never been so image conscious. Will they really bolt to be with the elites or will they vote for policy?

  54. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    27. May 2016 at 13:25

    Christian, You said:

    “I also won’t do predictions for the next 200 years. That seems to be your department lately.”

    Too late, you already did:

    “So no. In 200 years we all won’t be tan.”

    This is typical of Trump supporters. Make a snarky comment implying you’d never do something stupid like predict 200 years out in the future, RIGHT AFTER YOU DO EXACTLY THAT. You guys are completely unhinged from reality

  55. Gravatar of morgan s warstler morgan s warstler
    28. May 2016 at 08:17

    “If a Trump supporter would just say “Yes, I see that he is a moronic racist demagogue, but I think he might cut tax rates”, I could respect that view. I would disagree, but at least it would be an honest view. But all I get is this garbage.”

    Scott, this EXACTLY what I say… you just don’t like the frame! bc i makes your precious lesser.

    I want HEGEMONY to be exercised by the private sector… valorize private sector businessman and labor… discount academics, bureaucrats, lawyers, etc.

    This will give me lower taxes and more local control and more generally, all the smart people will go do the important things…

    I REPEAT: The smart people need to do the things that MATTER.

    The things that don’t matter… well WHO CARES? They don’t matter.

    We don’t “need college (as conceived” or “need public employees”

    We NEED real Libertarians, not academic Libertarians.


    The question is why you don’t just say:

    “I don’t want to see my tribe’s sphere of influence diminished so I’m willing to vote Hillary.”

    I could respect that!

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