The prophetic Onion
Economists cannot predict the future, but The Onion sure can. In their report on Bush’s inauguration in January 2001, The Onion had Bush reassuring the public that “our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is finally over”.
Now Peter sent me to an Onion video from right after the 2012 election that is eerily prescient:
Let’s see how they do on their VP prediction.
Off topic. Dylan Matthews has a wonderful post skewering the eternal cluelessness of the left. (In the case Google.) He’s actually far to polite.
Because I’ve been doing a lot of Trump bashing, I’d like to give some air time to the other side. Here Dylan Matthews defends Trump against the charge that he is a fascist:
Again, fascism requires stepping outside the system and attacking the democratic structure. As long as that structure itself is handling illiberal attitudes on race, those attitudes don’t themselves constitute a fascist trend.
But the views are still illiberal. To be very, very clear: Donald Trump is a bigot. He is a racist. He is an Islamophobe and a xenophobe. He profits off the hatred and stigmatization of traditionally oppressed groups in American society. That makes him, and his European peers, and racists in other eras in American history, a threat to crucial values of equality and fair treatment, and a threat to the actual human beings he’s targeting and demonizing. And he’s in particular mainstreaming Islamophobia, which is on the rise in recent months, as seen in a recent incident in which a Muslim engineer was harassed at a Fredericksburg, Virginia, civic meeting. “I’m really not sure those views in Fredricksburg would be aired were it not for Trump’s ‘mainstreaming’ of these prejudices,” Feldman says.
Yes, there are lots of differences from the 1930s. It’s a completely different world today, and Trump obviously won’t invade Poland. But Trump does have many fascist tendencies. Perhaps the term ‘demagogue’ is more appropriate.
Each week I’ll try to provide at least one defense of Trump, similar to the one above.