A follow-up post on nationalism

A quick point about my previous post.  I regret saying this:

Perhaps Brooks is not familiar with how the term ‘nationalism’ has actually been used over the past 100 years.  It’s all about zero-sum thinking, us vs. them.

Obviously David Brooks knows more history than I do.  I should have said something like:

I wish Brooks had put more weight on how the term ‘nationalism’ has actually been used over the past 100 years.  It’s all about zero-sum thinking, us vs. them.

I really hate nationalism.  And yet while I don’t agree with what I see as his attempt to put a positive spin on the term, it was clearly well-intentioned on his part.  So I apologize for the dismissive way I made my point.

HT:  Christian List




5 Responses to “A follow-up post on nationalism”

  1. Gravatar of Benjamin Cole Benjamin Cole
    8. November 2018 at 02:27

    As a nationalist, I am disappointed.

    “In economic news, China posted a overall trade surplus go $34.01 billion for October. Exports rose 15.6% from a year ago, while October.Imports rose 21.4%, both figures considered strong showings.”


    Sheesh. I read about “Tramp’s Trade War.” I imagine cargo vessels idled, dockworkers sitting on their hands. Spreading immiseration. A “downward spiral” and horrific inflation. Factories without vital components. Stalled factory lines.

    The economy should be in tatters here and abroad, by now.

    But we get 250k net new jobs in the US, the latest month. Manufacturing employment is rising! As measured, low unemployment. Inflation below target, and what inflation there is, is largely tied to soaring housing costs.

    Being a nationalist is not all it was cracked up to be.

  2. Gravatar of Todd Ramsey Todd Ramsey
    8. November 2018 at 08:53

    A question, completely off topic:

    Are businesses that exist to get more from our resources (i.e. Farmers, railroads, oil companies) more moral than businesses that exist to help us spend the accumulated surplus ( I.e. Casinos)?

    Of course most businesses are some of each, but you get the idea.

    Would love to see this discussed on your blog.


  3. Gravatar of ssumner ssumner
    8. November 2018 at 17:24

    Todd, You asked:

    “Are businesses that exist to get more from our resources (i.e. Farmers, railroads, oil companies) more moral than businesses that exist to help us spend the accumulated surplus ( I.e. Casinos)?”


  4. Gravatar of E. Harding E. Harding
    9. November 2018 at 19:37

    You know what I really hate? Imperialism.

  5. Gravatar of Ted Ted
    10. November 2018 at 12:20

    I really respect these sorts of posts. Thank you for reflecting on a mistake and correcting yourself. This increases my trust in you as a blogger, and my enjoyment of your past and future writing.

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